A 39-Year-Old who was shot in Nabb Tuesday night remains in critical condition.
Tuesday evening at approximately 2:00 a.m., the Clark County Sheriff’s Office received a call of a potential stabbing in the 21000 block of SR 362, Nabb, which is southeast of Scottsburg.
Upon arriving on the scene it was determined that the victim, who was identified Christopher Hammill, 39, was not
stabbed but sustained a gunshot injury below the right eye.
Hammill was transported to the University of Louisville, where he is currently in critical condition.
Three suspects were located and apprehended in Tennessee, at approximately 11:30 a.m., after a law enforcement sensitive “attempt to locate” was transmitted to law enforcement agencies across the country.
No information pertaining to the suspect(s) and/or reason for the shooting can be released at this time, as the investigation is ongoing.
The shooting occurred at Hammill’s primary residence and the initial report to police was by a family member.
No further information can be released at this time.