Home WSLM NEWS Local News Teen rescued after falling from cliff in Crawford County

Teen rescued after falling from cliff in Crawford County


Early this morning, Indiana Conservation Officers (ICOs) helped rescue a teenager who fell from a cliff in Hoosier National Forest last night.

At approximately 11:30 p.m. last night, ICOs Zach Howerton and Logan Hodges responded to the 4000 block of South Hatfield Road in Crawford County regarding a missing juvenile who had not been seen for an estimated four hours.

ICOs determined the juvenile had left the area on his ATV and possibly traveled to Hoosier National Forest to explore caves.

This morning at approximately 1:05 a.m., responders formed a search team and set out in attempts to locate the juvenile near Messmore Cliffs in Hoosier National Forest.

While searching, Hodges made verbal contact with the juvenile, learning that he had fallen 50-60 feet from the cliffs.

At approximately 3:57 a.m., search crews removed the juvenile from the area, and he was flown to University of Louisville Hospital for head, lower back and leg injuries.

“There is no doubt the officers’ knowledge of the area and expertise from being members of the Indiana Conservation Officer Cave Rescue Team played a huge role in locating, securing and transporting this juvenile to safety,” said Maj. Tim Beaver of DNR Law Enforcement.

Indiana Conservation Officers were assisted by the Indiana State Police, Crawford County Sheriff’s Department, Crawford County EMS, English Fire Department, Crawford County EMA, and the English Police Department.