Home WSLM NEWS Local News Indiana Lawmakers Secure Extension of Crop Reporting Deadline to July 22

Indiana Lawmakers Secure Extension of Crop Reporting Deadline to July 22


Today, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced it will extend the crop acreage reporting deadline for states impacted by recent flooding and heavy moisture, including Indiana.

This announcement comes in response to a letter to USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue led by Senator Todd Young (R-Ind.), Senator Mike Braun (R-Ind.), and Representative Larry Bucshon, M.D, (R-IN-08), and also signed by Representative Pete Visclosky (D-IN-01), Jackie Walorski (R-IN-02), Susan W. Brooks (R-IN-05), André Carson (D-IN-07), Jim Banks (R-IN-03), James Baird (R-IN-04), and Greg Pence (R-IN-06).

“The Indiana delegation remains united in strengthening our rural communities, which benefit our entire state. Indiana is a national leader in corn and soybean production, and we are glad the USDA heard our call for action to help mitigate the immediate and long-term effects of planting hardship in Indiana,” said the signers of the letter.

In addition to extending the crop acreage reporting deadline to July 22 for agriculture states impacted by recent flooding and heavy moisture, the USDA also previously announced updates to the haying and grazing date for producers who have planted cover crops on prevented plant acres; special sign-ups through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program for assistance to plant cover crops; and a deadline extension to report prevented plant acres in certain places.