New traffic patterns are scheduled to begin this week at the following locations, weather permitting, for additional work to begin on the $9.5 million U.S. 421 bridge approach project in Madison.
East First Street and Fillmore Street Access from Harrison Street
First Street construction east of Harrison Street will take place in two phases, allowing for constant access while work is completed. Work was planned to begin on August 19 and is expected to continue until Friday, September 6.
Phase 1: The south side of First Street will be one-way eastbound, while the north side is constructed. Fillmore Street will be one-way westbound.
Phase 2: The north side of First Street will be one-way eastbound, while the south side is constructed. Fillmore Street will remain one-way westbound.
S.R. 56/Sering Street Access near Second Street
Traffic during S.R. 56/Sering Street intersection construction will be maintained in two phases using temporary traffic signals.
Phase 1A: Alternating, one-way traffic will be allowed on Sering Street/S.R. 56 through the Second Street intersection via a temporary signal. This phase will not allow access to Second Street from S.R. 56. East Second Street may be accessed by residents from Harrison Street, around the barrier wall that is currently in place. This phase is scheduled to begin tomorrow (August 20) and last for approximately 15 days.
Phase 1B: Alternating, one-way traffic will be allowed from S.R. 56 to Second Street at the intersection via temporary traffic signal. This phase will not allow access to Sering Street from S.R. 56. East Sering Street may be accessed from the west. Phase 1B will begin following completion of Phase 1A and last for approximately 15 days. In addition, the east entrance to The Hillside Inn will be closed during both phases.
Project 421 construction began in April 2019 and will continue until fall of 2020. The new bridge approach will enhance safety and mobility, and ease congestion in the area leading to the Milton-Madison Bridge.