Home WSLM NEWS Local News 84th IBEP Bull Sale – October 19, 2019

84th IBEP Bull Sale – October 19, 2019


The 84th performance test of the Indiana Beef Evaluation Program finished September 23, 2019, at the Feldun-Purdue Ag Center in Bedford. A total of 61 bulls from five breeds completed the test.

The bulls were entered by 26 seed stock producers from Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, and Ohio. Bulls were fed a moderate-energy ration during the 125-day test and daily gain for the entire group was 3.01 lbs. The bulls are in ideal body condition for use this fall or next spring.

This is an excellent set of bulls that offer a range of performance for the economically
important traits. Hereford bull #199 will enter the ring first. He had a Performance Index of 111.1. His EPD’s rank in the top 10% of the breed for weaning weight, yearling weight, maternal calving ease, carcass weight, marbling, ribeye area, and BMI$, BII$, and CHB$ indexes.

The bull was sired by NJW 33TB 100W Trust 167Y and is owned by Greives Herefords, West Lafayette, Indiana.

Angus #207 had the highest Performance Index, 120.1. He was sired by Rock Creek Rancher 1495, is owned by Halls Angus, Eddyville, Illinois, and will be 2nd in the ring. Three more Angus bulls from Halls Angus immediately follow #207 in the ring: #210 and 205 sired by Hilltop Open Range 2279 and #208 sired by 3F Epic 4631. They are followed by three Angus bulls from Mickey Angus, Pana, Illinois, bulls #236, 237, and 238, sired by Baldridge 38 Special.

These three made up the top indexing get-of-sire group.

Cattle producers looking for bulls that will add pounds, quality, and value to their calves will not want to miss the sale on Saturday, October 19 at the Springville Feeder Auction, Springville, Indiana.

Bulls will sell immediately following the Springville Feeder Auction Association’s Heifer and
Cow sale, which starts at 2:00 PM. In addition, the sale will be broadcast live over the internet through DVAuction Services.

Users with high-speed internet access and interested in buying or just viewing
the sale need to visit the DVAuction web site at www.dvauction.com. If you plan to purchase a bull via the DVAuction site, you should preregister with DVAuction to establish your financial credentials.

A total of 28 bulls will be offered for sale: 19 Angus, 5 Hereford, 1 Red Angus, and 3
SimAngus. These 28 bulls were the top indexing bulls of their breed and passed a rigorous inspection for breeding and structural soundness. Also, all bulls have been measured by ultrasound for ribeye area, backfat and percent intramuscular fat (marbling). In addition, EPD’s for birth weight, weaning weight, yearling weight, maternal milk, calving ease, disposition, carcass traits, and $ indexes are available to assist producers in bull selection.

Bulls may be seen at the Test Station, located at the Feldun-Purdue Ag. Center, 3 miles
northwest of Bedford on SR 158 and 458 or after Noon on October 19 at the Springville Feeder Auction.

Video clips of all of the sale bulls are available on the IBEP web site.

For additional information, contact your County Extension Educator, or Donna Lofgren,
765-494-6439; Nick Minton, 812-279-4330; or Brad Shelton, Station Manager, 812-279-8554.

Also, complete performance data for sale bulls, and videos of the bulls, can be viewed on the web site: https://ag.purdue.edu/ansc/ibep/.

The sale catalog is online.