Enjoy the beautiful autumn season by bringing the family to O’Bannon Woods State Park on October 25th and 26th for a fun-filled Autumn Adventure Weekend with activities for everyone.
Most activities take place in the Electric Campground. These activities include a silent auction, autumn crafts, campfire cooking, hayrides, a chili cook-off, campsite decorating contest,
voluntary trick or treating, a night hike owl prowl, the “Great Pumpkin Hunt”, and more.
While most activities are free, there is a minimal charge for a few activities.
At 11:00 am, Patoka Lake Nature Center will be here to show their “Birds of Prey”.
On Saturday, starting at noon, park staff and volunteers will be providing a special fundraising lunch for you.
All proceeds benefit upcoming projects at the park.
Regular park gate entrance fee of $7 per in-state vehicle and $9 per out-of-state vehicle.
O’Bannon Woods State Park (stateparks.IN.gov/2976.htm) is at 7234 Old Forest Road SW, Corydon, 47112.
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