Home WSLM NEWS Local News Drug Take Back in Paoli on October 26

Drug Take Back in Paoli on October 26


On Saturday, Oct 26th, from 10a-2p, the Paoli Police Department will be hosting their second drug take-back event. 

The previous event (1st time/held in April) yielded 60 pounds of unwanted/unused/expired medications, according to Sgt. Tyler Phillips. 

“This was well beyond our expectation, especially for a first-time event,” said Phillips. “Officers would love to surpass that this time.”

Officers can be found at the entrance of the Williams Brothers Pharmacy, located next door to Tractor Supply on N Gospel St. 

The event is in coordination with the DEA’s National Take Back Day. 

Items (below) can be turned in with no questions asked. 

It is not necessary to remove labels from the bottles, these are destroyed the same day.  Everything collected will be properly disposed of by Officers. 

This is the safest way to destroy unwanted drugs, as pouring them into a drain can contaminate our water systems and cause unnecessary harm. 


By participating, we hope to reduce the number of narcotics in people’s home medicine cabinet.  By keeping unused pills, your home becomes a target for would-be thieves.  As bad as it sounds, those who lose a loved one fighting a critical illness or injury are sometimes one of the first targets, due to the likelihood there are prescription medications present. 


Another benefit is reducing the number of medications which have the potential to reach the street level and cause harm or lead to addiction.  Most addicts start their illicit drug use by abusing their legal prescription medications. 

These type of events are included in our pledge to combat illicit drug activity within the Town of Paoli.  The previous event was a success, but we would like to see this one better. 

For more information, call the Paoli Police Department at 812.723.2836

ITEMS ACCEPTED                        WE CANNOT ACCEPT

UNWANTED/UNUSED/EXPIRED                                                          THERMOMETERS CONTAINING MERCURY

PRESCRIPTION PILLS                                                                                                OXYGEN CONTAINERS

OTC MEDICATIONS                                                                                            ANYTHING COMBUSTIBLE (INHALERS)

LOTIONS/OINTMENTS                                                                                           BLOODY OR INFECTIOUS WASTE

LIQUID MEDICATION                                                                                        CHEMO/RADIOACTIVE DRUGS