Home WSLM NEWS Local News Parole Staff Working with Local Agencies to Keep Communities Safe on Halloween

Parole Staff Working with Local Agencies to Keep Communities Safe on Halloween


Halloween will be safer for children across Indiana thanks to an annual statewide initiative to closely monitor sex offenders and keep them off community streets during the youth-oriented holiday.

Indiana Department of Correction’s Parole Services Division will be participating in Operation Safe Halloween.

Parole staff is working with local law enforcement, probation and community corrections agencies within their community to ensure full compliance and accountability.

On Thursday, paroled sex offenders in each of the state’s ten parole districts must adhere to a special curfew and restrictions during each community’s scheduled trick-or-treat hours. Sex offenders will be required to attend a mandatory meeting, turn in safety plans for the evening, or remain at home and not pass out candy.

As with previous years, sex offenders who remain at their approved residence have been advised to turn off their outside lights during the evening hours, refrain from displaying Halloween decorations, and some will post signs that they are not participating in passing out candy. All sex offenders will also be subject to unannounced home visits and compliance checks.

Director of Parole Services Troy Keith states, “Our parole staff will be diligent in keeping our communities safe. For events such as this, it is important that law enforcement agencies work together to promote public safety. Operation Safe Halloween allows our parole agents to more effectively monitor sex offenders and give parents in our community some peace of mind on what should be a fun family holiday.”

Learn more about Operation Safe Halloween on Indiana State Police’s Road Show video segment HERE. The Roadshow is heard on Sunday mornings at 10a on WSLM 97.9 FM and WSLM 1220 AM.