Home WSLM NEWS Local News Dubois County Woman arrested for attempting to purchase a firearm illegally.

Dubois County Woman arrested for attempting to purchase a firearm illegally.


On Thursday, October 31st, 2019, Mary Ann McRoberts turned herself into the Dubois County Jail on a warrant issued for Weapon/Instrument Of Violence while Provide False Statement In Purchase On ATF 4473, Level 6 Felony.

On September 30th, 2019 McRoberts went to local business and tried to buy two handguns.

The purchase was denied on a background check.

McRoberts had a prior conviction on her criminal history that prevented her from possessing firearms.

McRoberts provided false information on the 4473 form, which is a felony.

A warrant was issued for her and she turned herself into the Dubois County Jail.

Arrested and Charges:

  • Mary Ann McRoberts, Jasper, IN
  1. Weapon/Instrument Of Violence Provide False Statement In Purchase On ATF 4473, Level 6 Felony

Investigating Officer: Master Trooper Brian LaRoche