Home WSLM NEWS Local News Mayor Makes Appointments For New Administration

Mayor Makes Appointments For New Administration


Salem Mayor Justin Green has made his appointments for the new year. 

Salem’s new chief of police is Tim Miller. Former chief Joey Wheeler has retired. 

Assistant Police Chief is Ronnie Mays. 

Salem Fire Chief remains Tom Day along with Assistant Chief Mike Mead.

Dale Jonas is the Cemetery Sexton. 

Tom Voyles will remain Superintendent of the Street Department.

Eric Tussey is the Animal Control Officer. 

Russell Brown will remain as Superintendent of the Water Department.

Troy Watts is the Waste Waster Superintendent.

Ronnie Voyles will continue as the City’s Building Commissioner.

Brande Abbott will remain as City Parks and Recreation Director. 

Due to a vacancy at the Senior Citizens Center due to Gayle Napier winning a seat on the City Council, Naomi Ray will take over as director.