Do you want to see what 4-H is all about? Come to the Extension Office on Tuesday, January 14th to the 4-H Club Ice Cream Social from 5-7 p.m.
You will get ice cream, visit the different clubs we have to offer and get plenty of toppings for your ice cream as you visit. We will also have computers available that night to enroll in 4-H.
Regular 4H is open to anyone currently enrolled in grades 3-12. Anyone who is currently in Kindergarten, 1st or 2nd grade is eligible to join Mini 4H.
To enroll in 4-H online, go to If you have been enrolled in the past, simply log in with your username or password and re-enroll.
If this is your first time, you may create a profile and enroll. Regular 4-H is $20 and Mini 4-H is $5.
This can be paid online with a credit card or in the Extension Office with cash or check.
For further information concerning 4H or for assistance enrolling, call Purdue Extension – Washington County at 812-8834601, stop by their office located on the lower level of the Washington County Government Building at 806 Martinsburg Road in Salem, or email