Home WSLM NEWS Local News Commissioners Move Case Load To Limit Court Hearings

Commissioners Move Case Load To Limit Court Hearings


Please be informed according to the decision of the Washington County Commissioners, the Washington County Courts will be continuing all non-essential hearings at this time for a period of 30 days beginning WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 2020 due to the Coronavirus.

The Justice Center may be locked down to the public in the near future as other government offices are being locked down.

The court staff at this time will be available during normal business hours.

Essential hearings include Criminal Initials, Protective Orders, Chins matters, Juvenile Detentions, Sentencings, Emergency Hearings and matters that the Courts find essential.

Court officials are asking that if you have any of these types of hearings during this time, they are asking that only the attorneys and the parties appear.

No family members or other interested parties will be allowed in these hearings.

If you have witnesses for these hearings, they must be approved by the Court staff to appear on said date and time. Witnesses may be allowed to testify telephonically.

The Court staff will be contacting offices to reschedule said hearings after April 18, 2020, on Court’s Own Motion.

Please be advised this will take some time and be patient with the staff as they work through this matter.

We apologize for any inconvenience but we are following the directives of the Washington County Commissioners, the CDC, and our State and National leaders.