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Plans to Feed Local Students This Week and Beyond


This was a week before Spring Break that local schools planned to be in session — and feed their students. 

With the recent shutdown to help stop the spread of Covid-19, schools and other organizations are pitching in to help feed these students 18 years old and younger who are at home. 

East Washington, Salem, and West Washington School corporations have plans to get food to students this week. 


West Washington Schools be delivering food to students via their school bus routes. 

Superintendent Keith Nance said food would be delivered between 9-10a beginning Tuesday. 

“The bus will stop, honk, wait and honk again if needed,” he wrote in a note on social media. “Please be observant to avoid missing the meal delivery. Food will not be left or dropped off.

“Bus drivers will be driving their routes. They will not wait forever. They need to get this out in a timely fashion. We cannot leave the food behind. That could cause problems. we‘re not going to have staff members bring that to your door,” said Nance.  

He said food and items will be placed at the bottom step of the bus.

“Do not come on to the bus,” Nance advised. “We’re doing our best to limit exposure. If your child wants to come out and wave to the bus driver, but we’re not going to have physical contact.”

Nance said students being added to the list, would allow them to stay on the list.

He said this isn’t available only to those students who receive free or reduced lunch students. 

“If you call Tuesday after 9-10a, then you’ll be added for the next day,” he said. 

West Washington’s food deliver will not take place over spring break next week. 

The delivery will be daily at this time but Nance said it was subject to change.

“At some point we may begin delivering multiple times a day,” said Nance. 

For additional information, and to be added to the list for food, call the Superintendent’s Office at 812.755-7872.


East Washington School Corporation will be providing meals to students that are 18 years old and younger.

Superintendent Dennis Stockdale said beginning March 17th – 20th, meals will be available for pick up at Door #3 at East Washington Elementary School and at the cafeteria door at Eastern High School.  

Pick up times will be 11:30 AM -12:30 PM. It will be a lunch meal.  

There will be no meals served during the week of March 23-27 due to Spring Break.

“We are planning to have mobile sites in the community starting April 6th,” Stockdale said. “More information will be provided as it becomes available.  We hope everyone is doing well during the unexpected school closure.  Please reach out to your child’s school if you need anything.”

For additional information, call the school at (812) 967-3926


The following information relates to food service opportunities while Salem Community Schools are on Home Learning for the week of 3/16 – 3/20.

The Washington County YMCA will be provided with meals on Monday. 

On Tuesday Hoosier Helps will be providing meals at
Riley’s Place Park from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

They will be serving hot soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. 

In an effort to ensure our students are receiving meals Salem Community Schools will be providing grab and go meals on Wednesday, March 18th. 

The meals can be picked up outside the Gym Doors at Bradie Shrum Elementary in a drive-thru method. 

We will provide 3 breakfasts and 3 lunches for the rest of the week, according to Karen Libka, Food Services Director. 

“We can’t send food home with a student that isn’t present in that vehicle,” said Libka, due to FDA and state guidelines. 

In order to comply with current federal accountability guidelines, students must be present to pick up their meals and checked off like any other school day. 

The State of Indiana has applied for waivers concerning these guidelines so we are hopeful these requirements may change if the meal program is needed in the future.

Meals will be available for all SCS students, elementary through high school. 

“We do have extra produce extra snacks and extra milk. We’re going to bundle that up. We have some extras we can give them,” she said. 

If applicable, additional bags of food will be available for those students qualifying for the backpack program and may
also, be picked up at the same time.

To help us plan accordingly please call the Superintendent’s office at 812-883-4437 by Tuesday March 17th to confirm the numbers of meals to be picked up.

“We will make every effort to help all Salem School families during this difficult time,” said Salem Superintendent Jon Acton. “During spring break week the Washington County YMCA will be providing meals at their facility.  Please check with their website for more information.”

“As this pandemic evolves we will continue to monitor and adjust plans to best serve the students and families of Salem Schools,” said Acton. 


Free meals will be made available to anyone 18 years old and younger the week of March 23-27 at 11:30a at the YMCA Multipurpose Room.

Meals must be consumed on-site and cannot be taken off-site. 

For more information, check the YMCA’s Facebook page or call (812) 883-9622