Home WSLM NEWS Local News Salem Schools Closed Until May 1; Will Still Feed Students

Salem Schools Closed Until May 1; Will Still Feed Students


Earlier today, Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb announces that Indiana’s schools would remain closed until May 1  

“Under the directive of Governor Holcomb with consultation from the Indiana State Department of Health and the Indiana Department of Education, ALL Indiana schools are closed for in-person instruction until May 1st,” Salem Community School Superintendent Jon Acton said in a news release.

“All state-mandated testing has been canceled for the year.  Salem Community Schools will extend our closure of all in-person instruction and utilize Remote Learning and Waiver/Non-Instructional days until May 1st.”

Acton said all athletics, extra-curricular activities, field or class trips are canceled during the closure.  

The Prom scheduled for May 2nd has been postponed until June 5th.  

The table below outlines our updated plans extending to May 1.

Action calls this the “We are Salem” Plan — 

“We will continue academic programming and begin food distribution on Monday, March 30th after Spring Break,” Acton said. “We can provide food service to any Salem Schools family with students and all siblings ages 18 and under who request meals. (We can provide food services to any student/family ages 18 and under, but we can only deliver
to those that reside in the Salem school district.)”

Acton said to request meals please fill out this form: https://bit.ly/scsmeals2. or call the Superintendent’s Office at (812) 883-4437.

Salem principals, teachers, and aides are working hard to continue education for all Salem School families, Acton said. 

Salem technology staff is working non-stop to ensure Remote Learning functions effectively and assist with technical questions.

Salem food services and transportation staff are working hard to provide food to as many
Salem families as possible.

‘Our custodial and maintenance staff are deep cleaning all facilities. We will continue our best efforts to serve our students, parents and community while also supporting the social distancing and health care guidelines set by our federal and state governments,” he said. 

Acton quoted the CMA singers David Lee Murphy and Kenny Chesney – “Everything’s gonna be alright!”

“Roar Lions! We’re all in this together,” said Acton.