Home WSLM NEWS Local News BMV Announces Operational and Transaction Changes 

BMV Announces Operational and Transaction Changes 


Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) Commissioner Peter L. Lacy announced the following service adjustments included in Executive Order 20-05 issued by Indiana Governor Eric J. Holcomb today, March 19, 2020. The Executive Order can be found here: https://www.in.gov/gov/files/EO_20-05.pdf

These adjustments are designed to assist with the state’s efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and protect BMV employees and the public. In-branch visits to the BMV should be used only when absolutely necessary.

Changes Driven by Executive Order
The following changes will be effective today and remain in place for the next 60 days:

  • Administrative Penalty Fees Waived (more commonly called late fees)
    If a renewal cannot be done online, this change eliminates the need to go to a branch during this emergency time due to the expiration date.

    The following administrative penalty fees will be waived:

    • $6 for late driver’s license or identification card renewals
    • $15 for late vehicle registration renewals
    • $30 for late title transactions
    • $15 for late ORV and snowmobile registration renewals
    • $10 for late salvage titles
  • Suspend the requirement to operate a branch in each of Indiana’s 92 counties.
    This requirement has been waived to address closures due to potential staffing shortages.

Out-of-Branch Transaction and Fee Changes
The following changes are operational and will go in to effect immediately and also remain in place for the same 60-day period:

  • Out-of-Branch Transaction Requirements
    The BMV will restrict several transactions to out-of-branch only. Those transactions include:

    • Registration Renewal for Vehicles
    • Replacement Documents for:
      • Driver’s Licenses and Identification Cards
      • Registration
      • Title

There are several options to complete an out-of-branch transaction including online services through in.gov/BMV, BMV Connect kiosks, phone, and regular mail. More information including a full list of available transactions can be found on the BMV website: https://www.in.gov/bmv/4363.htm

Due to federal requirements, we will continue to complete Commercial Driver’s License transactions in branches.

  • Credit Card Fees for Online Transactions Will Be Waived
    Indiana law provides for BMV to collect an online fee to cover the cost of the transaction. The normal fee is $1 plus 1.99% of the transaction. These fees will be waived under these changes.

Operation Changes in Branches
The following operational changes are being made to ensure the safety of the public and BMV employees:

  • A BMV employee will be at the entrance of every branch
    Employee will confirm transaction need and limit the number of customers inside the building to 20
  • The number of chairs in the lobby will be reduced to reinforce the number of customers
    No more than 20 chairs for customers spaced at least 6 feet apart
  • The use of Examiner terminals will be limited to every other terminal
    This provides an empty space between each tester
  • Customer Service Representative (CSR) stations will be limited to every other station
    Provides an empty station between each CSR
  • Only one customer may work with a CSR during a transaction
    Special exceptions will be made for customers requiring support
  • In-person interviews for open positions are suspended