Home WSLM NEWS Local News Third Indiana State Police Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19

Third Indiana State Police Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19


A civilian employee of the Indiana State Police has been diagnosed with the Department’s third confirmed case of the COVID-19 virus.

The employee, who is assigned to a field installation in the southern half of the state and has been self-quarantined since the middle of last week, received notification of the positive test yesterday.

State Police officials have been making notifications with additional co-workers and taking appropriate disinfecting measures in the affected work area.

The Indiana State Police is working closely with the Indiana State Department of Health and is continuing to monitor the situation and is also following accepted virus mitigation practices for the health and safety of its employees, their families and the greater community.

For up to date information on COVID-19, please visit the Indiana State Department of Health at https://www.in.gov/coronavirus/.