The Indiana State Police Forensic Scientist of the Year Award is presented annually to a Forensic Scientist within the Laboratory Division deemed to have consistently provided a superior quality forensic analysis service in a highly professional, proficient, and unbiased manner for the Indiana Criminal Justice Community.
The recipient of the 2019 Indiana State Police Forensic Scientist of the Year is Stacey R. Hartman, whose accomplishments during that year are worthy of such recognition and have earned her this award.
In 2019, Hartman, who serves as a Forensic Scientist in the Forensic Firearms Identification Unit at the Fort Wayne Regional Laboratory, completed 347 firearm/toolmark cases, which was well above the Unit’s average of 247 cases a year. In addition to casework, Ms. Hartman generated 53 hits in the Integrated Ballistic Identification System (IBIS) Database, which aided federal, state, and local agencies with investigative leads in over 100 cases. Ms. Hartman produced results of the highest quality and successfully completed all proficiency and competency testing.
She completed 56 administrative reviews of other analysts’ casework while acting as the Unit Supervisor. Ms. Hartman testified four times in 2019 receiving a “superior” review from her Unit Supervisor and a letter of commendation from a prosecutor. She served as both Acting Laboratory Manager and Evidence Clerk at the Fort Wayne Regional Laboratory during the year and became known as someone to go to when help was needed.
In 2019, Hartman assisted the Forensic Firearms Identification Unit to maintain its place of leadership around the world by, for the second year, co-chairing the Midwest Firearm Examiner Training Seminar, which was held at the Indiana State Police Museum.
Ms. Hartman continued to be recognized as a leader in her field by being invited by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to participate in a Firearms Mapping Exercise in Gaithersburg, Maryland. NIST flew her and ten other Firearm Examiners from around the globe to the NIST campus to complete this three-day exercise. The very detailed document from the NIST exercise is now being used by the Firearms Subcommittee in the Organization of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC) to establish standards that will be used worldwide.
Hartman earned a “distinguished” membership in the Association of Firearm and Toolmark Examiners (AFTE). AFTE is an international association with worldwide membership. Ms. Hartman was a member of the 2019 Host Committee for the AFTE meeting held in Nashville, Tennessee, and she worked with over 100 companies in preparation for the meeting. She continued to be a member of the AFTE Glossary Committee, and she has been certified since May 2013 in the area of Firearms Identification by AFTE.
In addition, Hartman actively assisted the Fort Wayne Police Department, the Marion Police Department, and the ATF by organizing IBIS shoots to streamline analytical processes. Ms. Hartman demonstrated her leadership and sense of community by receiving approval from Superintendent Carter to create an Indiana State Police Corporate 5K challenge running team, which participated in a local fundraiser and helped organize food drives and exercise groups within the Fort Wayne District.
Hartman has an undergraduate degree in Biology, Criminal Justice and Criminology from Ball State University and earned a Masters in Forensic Science from the University of New Haven, New Haven Connecticut in 2005. Before coming to work for the ISP she was employed by the Allen County Sheriff’s Department and the Allen County Prosecutor’s Office. She started her career with the Indiana State Police Laboratory Division in August of 2007 at the Fort Wayne Regional Laboratory as a member of the Forensic Firearms Identification Unit where she continues to serve.
Hartman is a resident of Allen County.