Home WSLM NEWS Local News 85th IBEP Bull Sale on DVAuction.com August 16

85th IBEP Bull Sale on DVAuction.com August 16


Due to restrictions on social gatherings in the midst of COVID-19, IBEP has moved the
bull sale to an all-online format using DVAuction.

The 85th IBEP Bull Sale will be August 16, 2020 at 6:00 pm on
https://www.dvauction.com/. The sale offering consists of 85 bulls from the Angus, Hereford, Red Angus, Simmental/Simm Angus, and Charolais breeds.

The sale will remain a live auction with an auctioneer calling the sale. DVAuction
provides the opportunity to actively bid or simply view the live auction. To bid or view, one must first be approved through DVAuction. Details on how to register as a bidder or viewer available at https://www.dvauction.com/register .

IBEP realizes this auction format may be new to some. At the same time, some may be
uneasy about online bidding. No worries. IBEP is happy to work with anyone to take bids over the phone or as an absentee bid.

To bid over the phone or to place an absentee bid, please contact Nick Minton at the Test Station at 812-279-4330 or 812-797-7944 to become registered and to
receive additional information.

While the sale format has changed, the quality of bulls remains the same. All sale eligible
bulls are top indexing of their respective breeds, have passed a thorough screening for structural soundness and disposition and have passed a breeding soundness exam. All bulls are parent verified to sire and dam with many having genomically enhanced EPDs.

Bulls are available for viewing, at any time, between now at the day of the sale at the
IBEP Test Station, located at the Feldun Purdue Ag Center, 1117 SR 458, Bedford, IN 47421 (coordinates: 38.889864, -86.555149).

IBEP encourages folks to view bulls at the test station at their convenience. IBEP would
appreciate a call prior to your visit just to let them know you are stopping by. Catalogs are available at the test station, in the mailbox, at the end of the feed alley. In addition, videos of bulls and the catalog are available for viewing at
https://www.dvauction.com/video_catalogs/5660 .

Please direct questions to Nick Minton, IBEP Test Station Manager and IBEP
Secretary/Treasurer, at 812-279-4330 or 812-797-7944 or nminton@purdue.edu