In efforts to defeat the Coronavirus (COVID 19) our behavior this week and next is crucial.
The Orange County Health Department, with support from Orange County Commissioners, want to strongly ask all businesses to reevaluate their essential business operations. If you cannot really justify that you are an essential business (retail, manufacturing, and others), you should seriously consider closing.
For essential businesses who remain open, your employees must be able to:
-practice social distancing.
-practice frequent hand washing.
-cloth face coverings need to be worn in any community setting including work
If your business cannot provide these essential practices for your employees, then we urge your business to close.
To protect the health and safety of our residents and your employees we must be
diligent in following guidelines.
Dr. Lopez believes that many people in Orange County are trying to follow the guidelines set forth.
He is encouraging you, as an employer in this county, to take your responsibility toward your employees seriously. Now is not the time to try to find the loopholes in an executive order that will enable your company to carry on as usual.
This is NOT a normal situation.
We must stay strong, support each other, stay optimistic and work together for the benefit of our people.
A nonformal complaint can be made anonymously by anyone and does not require a signature.
Nonformal complaints result in IOSHA contacting the company by phone, mail, e-mail or fax to investigate alleged hazards.
To fill submit a complaint go to: