Sixteen witnesses provided testimony over two days of a bench trial to determine who will be the Mayor of Salem — Mayor Justin Green who won the popular vote in the Nov. 5, 2019 election or William “Bill” Ackerman, who lost the election but filed a civil suit against Green on November 18 to contest Green’s win based on the doubt’s over his residency.
A 17th witness – Ronnie Voyles, Salem’s Building Inspector, was set to testify but wasn’t called by attorney Doug Leatherbury.
Below is a list of witnesses and their testimonies:
Indiana State Trooper Tim Denby, who is investigating a criminal case against Mayor Justin Green. Denby said he could not provide testimony in court due to the ongoing criminal case.
Ron Haendiges, Insurance Agent, School Board member and candidate for Mayor in the 2019 Primary Election who lost to Green.
Haendiges testified that when he was out knocking on doors in the Spring 2019 primary, he heard there were issues with Green’s residency.
“I went to Debbie Schrieber [Washington County Auditor’s first deputy] to confirm what I thought I was seeing on the Assessor’s website,” said Haendiges. “I also made Tara Hunt [Washington County Republican Party Chair] aware of what I thought was the case.”
Hunt later testified she didn’t respond to Haendiges’ text.
Haendiges said he made Green aware of his concerns. He also said Green did not respond to his text message.
Haendiges said he learned that Green was receiving his Homestead Exemption on the property that was outside of the City of Salem city limits.
Green’s attorney Larry Wilder pointed out that although Haendiges had “concerns” about Green’s residency, he chose not to formally challenge him or file any election contest or suit.
“Here’s my personal knowledge,” said Haendiges. “I went to the Assessor’s public website to confirm what may have occurred. Upon my investigation on the public website, Mr. Green was claiming his homestead deduction on Old 56 [property]. I then printed of that information and took it to Debbie Schrieber to confirm what I suspected was the case. She confirmed this. He was claiming a homestead exemption on a piece of property when he was a sitting City Council member. I thought surely [this] could not be the case. I went to Debbie to confirm what appeared to me to be the case and she confirmed this.”
Tara Hunt, Washington County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney and Washington County Republican Party Chair.
Ackerman’s attorney Doug Leatherbury asked Hunt if Haendiges had scheduled any meetings with her prior to the May Primary in 2019.
“Except for our monthly meetings, I don’t think we had any one-on-one meetings,” she answered.
She said the only time he raised an issue was when Haendiges sent a text message to herself and to Justin Green.
She said she didn’t respond.
Stephanie Rockey, Washington County Clerk.
Wilder asked Rockey when she first heard there was a residency issue with Green.
“At the time I was the election voter deputy clerk,” she said. “At the time it was a hypothetical scenario presented to me.”
She was asked if Mr. Ackerman came to her to challenge Green’s residency and she answered no.
She was asked if Mr. Haendiges came to her to challenge Green’s residency and she answered yes.
She was asked if anyone from the Democratic party came to the clerk’s office to challenge Green’s residency and she answered no.
“I explained to [Haendiges] that when someone files for candidacy we are under Indiana Code to certify and verify their information,” said Rockey. “It was in a challenging time and I have him a state challenge form.”
After Wilder presented an article from WSLMRADIO.COM and asking Rockey if anyone else from the Democratic party asked any questions, she noted that Washington County Democratic Party Chair Darlene Briscoe also questioned the residency.
“I do recall calling Matthew R. Kochevar, Co-General Counsel of the Indiana Election Division,” said Rockey. “I asked if there was anything else we can do and he told me we weren’t the toothbrush police…that we can’t see where a candidate lays his head down.”
Rockey said she explained to Briscoe she had the right to challenge the election prior to the November General Election.
Rockey said the time for a challenge passed and then it was open to have a civil suit filed prior to the election.
Rockey also confirmed there was no civil suit filed prior to the election.
She also identified and Wilder introduced Green’s voter registration cards from when he was 17 in 1996 and was first registered to vote at 2819 North Trueblood Road.
His next change of address on a voter registration card was December 1, 1999 at 115 Nichols Avenue.
Another change was made in August 2006 with an address at 106 Macon Avenue.
The final change was made at an address at 509 Tucker Street on September 7, 2016.
Wilder pointed out that the first time the Mayor registered to vote was in 1996 and lived outside the Salem city limits but every other time was in the City of Salem.
Rockey confirmed that she certified Green to run for Mayor of Salem and that no one challenged that through the administrative process.
Debbie Schrieber, First Deputy in the Washington County Auditor’s office, since 2019.
She said Green had been to her office approximately three times with the first time being in April 2019.
Green testified later that was when he heard there was a discrepancy in the homestead exemption and he came there to investigate and make any needed changes.
“He was concerned over where his homestead exemption was placed,” said Schrieber.
There was some dialogue on allowing Schriber to read from copies of original documents with her personal notes on them, which isn’t allowed in court.
Wilder said only custodian of official original sales disclosure documents are allowed to enter them as evidence.
“She isn’t the one who maintains the original record. She cannot testify,” Wilder told the court.
Medlock allowed her to continue to testify as long as the original documents were eventually found and brought in.
“We as a rule do not keep the original documents,” said Schrieber. “This is the closest we have to the original. The pink form. This is the original but a copy. We do not keep the originals in our office at all.”
Schrieber said her office takes a property document and makes a copy and sends it on to the Assessor.
Schrieber said the State of Indiana rules allow one person to only claim one homestead exemption.
She said she keeps copies in her office to “keep track of who files.”
“At the time [she received the property document for the purchase of 2900 North Old State Road 60] it did not indicate [what property the homestead exemption should be placed on, although Green at the time still lived on Macon Avenue]. But there was no address,” said Schrieber. “I had to further investigate which property it was.”
She said going from the sales disclosure she had the option of leaving the homestead exemption on 106 Macon Avenue.
Wilder asked her what the other option was.
“At the time there was no other option,” Schrieber said. “I had to investigate.”
There was a box checked on the property information that indicated to her the property was being requested to have the homestead exemption placed on it.
Schrieber said she believed the checkmark was placed there by Terry Graves at Salem Title.
Green purchased the property on October 10, 2012 and Schriber said she began her investigation within the next six months.
She said she called Graves to find out which bank did the financing and learned it was Mid Southern Savings Bank.
“I went and put [the homestead exemption] on the highway 56 [property],” said Schrieber.
Wilder asked how soon Green found out that happened.
“He didn’t come in and talk to me about it until April 2019,” she said.
She said Green told her the homestead exemption should have been on the Tucker Street property.
She said she had an application for the Tucker Street property and “it wasn’t marked like it was for Old State Road 56.”
Leatherbury asked Schrieber what her and Green discussed.
“I let him know the homestead exemption had been applied on 56 and never had one on Tucker Street. He indicated that I put it on there wrong – that it should be on Tucker Street. I had to see value there,” she said. “I didn’t see a structure [on Tucker Street]. He never checked that he wanted the homestead credit on Tucker Street. I never investigated it, which I’m not required to do.”
She said Green asked that the homestead exemption be changed to the Tucker Street residence.
“At the time, I had the Assessor’s office go out and evaluate it. I was still showing a $600 value [on the property]. I can’t apply a homestead deduction on a $600 structure,” said Schrieber.
Wilder showed the sales disclosure showed that Green listed Macon Avenue as his primary residence.
“Did he ask anybody to remove the homestead exemption from Macon Avenue,” asked Wilder. Schrieber answered no.
“In the 2012 document, did Mr. Green say his primary residence was North Old State Road 56,” asked Wilder. Schrieber answered no.
Wilder asked her if she believe Graves added the check mark and Shcrieber answered yes.
“You also said, ‘I decided where it went’,” asked Wilder. Schrieber said “Correct.”
“You said you had to call and verify,” stated Wilder. Schrieber said yes.
“Based on what someone at the bank said, ou decided where his homestead exemption went?” asked Wilder. Schrieber answered, “Right.”
Scott Campbell, Washington County Assessor 2nd Deputy.
Campbell brought copies of property documents that were not the original.
“Debbie Schrieber is his mother,” said Wilder. “This is not the appropriate party to have testify. He is not the custodian of these documents. The custodian is the elected official.”
Campbell left the stand soon after and Judge Medlock called for a lunch break at approximately 11:30a.
Gregory Lynn Ball, Washington County Assessor.
Ball brought copies of property records he printed from a website. “Our original sales disclosures are at the Williams building. I’d have to go there and dig through boxes to find them,” he said.
He confirmed that the copies he printed should be identical to the original.
Wilder objected to not having the original document.
“Can we get a copy, Judge, so I can see if we need to object to it? The auditor’s office made a copy of a document and too it and kept a copy. It’s not the original and [Schrieber] didn’t know where the homestead exemption was supposed to go so she decided where [it] went. She had to call people … the closing agent and asked questions an she didn’t even have to investigate. The lack of logical flow…it’s important to see what’s on that document.”
Ball was dismissed to go look for the paper.
Medlock made clear that the court wasn’t making the request of Ball to search for the paper. “Mr. Leatherbury is requesting you find it,” Medlock told Ball.
Bill Barnett, insurance agent at Knapp, Miller and Brown
Barnett was asked to look through three years worth of policies for Green.
Barnett told Leatherbury he had three policies for Green. The property on North Old State Road 56, a small property with a log cabin next to WSLM and the 509 Tucker Street property.
Wilder asked if Barnett was familiar with the State Road 56 property. Barnett said no.
“You are familiar with where Mr. Green lives,” Wilder asked. Barnett answered yes.
“When we first insured it, I was asked by the ladies at the office to go get photos of it and through conversations with Mr. Green, he said that was where he was going to live. We had some mail for him and I asked him if that’s still where he lived and he said yes,” said Barnett. “He said that’s where he lived and that’s good enough for me. He hasn’t invited me to dinner.”
Ronnie Voyles, with the City of Salem was scheduled to testify but was released from testifying.
Randall Bills, former Washington County Auditor.
Bills explained to the court that he had received mail addressed to Green at the North Old State Road 56 address.
Bills lives along State Road 56 and said the mail was mistakenly delivered to him.
He said this has occurred over the last two or three years.
Bills said he remembered getting a piece of mail for Green sometime in 2019. He couldn’t provide an exact date under cross-examination.
He said it was a Frontier bill.
When asked by Wilder how he knew it was a bill, Bills said it was very obvious.
“It could have been a sales piece and meant to get business,” Wilder asked.
Bills responded that he opened the mail, sealed it back up and took it to the post office to be remailed.
Necole Caldwell, 601 Tucker Street, Neighbor of Justin Green.
Caldwell said she lived on Tucker Street for the past 8 years and rented her home and stayed there with two children and her fiance.
She said she didn’t pay attention to her neighbors but noticed when Green’s project was under construction.
“But after everything was said and I don’t I noticed it,” she said. Ï really didn’t know Justin Green. I knew he owned the auto sales business and that he was runnin’ for Mayor. I noticed he would come over there, check the mail, turn the lights on and leave. It was like that every night.”
Leatherbury asked if Caldwell had seen any women there and she said no. She said did not know who Grider was.
Wilder asked Caldwell what shift she worked at Kimball and she said second and third shift and worked Monday – Thursday.
To get to work at 3:30p she said she would need to leave by 3:15p and she would get home after 2:30a.
“You don’t have the ability to know when Mr. Green was at his house do you,” asked Wilder.
“I don’t know all the times he was there to go to sleep,” said Caldwell.
Todd Smith, 501 Tucker Street, said he’d lived there since 1999.
Smith said he had observed Green going in and out over the years. “He used to come over and mow the grass, check his mail, but I believe he’s staying there now,” said Smith.
Smith said last week was the first time he’d seen Green put trash out by the end of the driveway for the city to pick up.
Smith said he works at Peerless Gear and was working there from 5:30a until 3:30p Monday – Thursday. Smith said he went to bed around 9p.
Smith said he saw the construction on the property including a trench that was dug out to the edge of the street and said he saw them putting in windows.
Smith said he believes Green had been living there since January 2020.
Wilder talked to Smith about a yard barn that sits between the two properties and has blocked part of Smith’s view of Green’s property for the past 2-3 years.
Wilder asked if anyone spoke to Smith about Green’s political issues and Smith answered yes.
Wilder asked who came to see him and Smith pointed to Ackerman.
Smith said Ackerman came and talked to him after the election. “He asked me what I knew, what I’d seen, what I think is the truth. What my opinion was,” said Smith
Leatherbury asked what Smith told Ackerman. “That I hardly ever seen him. Never spoke to him and never seen him.”
Smith went on to say that he thought the lights came on and off at night like they were on a timer.
“I wouldn’t see anybody over there or see any activity for days,”said Smith. “Then I look over and the lights are on.”
Smith said again that he thought Green started staying at the property in January.
“There’s only one person who knows that and that’s him. My opinion is he started staying there in January,” said Smith.
Sabrina Burdine, Executive Director of the Washington County Economic Growth Partnership.
She said she’d lived at 921 East Rudder Road for four years and had worked at the WCEGP for 13 years.
Burdine said she had an office in the Washington County Courthouse and also an office at City Hall.
Leartherbury asked if she was married and she said she had been divorced in October 2019. She said she had two children.
She told Leatherbury she had began working with Green at the WCEGP in 2006.
She said Green is Vice-President of the WCEGP and she’d worked with him at the city since the WCEGP had taken over marketing duties of the city in 2013.
Leatherbury asked if she and Green had a social relationship and Wilder objected and it was sustained by Medlock who added, “This isn’t a fishing expedition.”
Leatherbury asked Burdine if she’d ever been to the “Green Farm”on North Old State Road 56.
This brought another objection from Wilder, who said, “You’re trying to put something in evidence that doesn’t exist. There is no such thing as The Green Farm.
Leatherbur asked Burdine if she’d ever been to 2900 North Old State Road 56 and she said no.
Wilder asked if she ever had occassion to mail anything from the WCEGP to Green and she said she mailed it to the car lot.
Leatherbury had asked if she was familiar with the Tucker Street property and Burdine said she only knew if from Facebook.
Wilder asked her to explain and she said the local radio station, WSLM, had went there and did a tour of the address with Mr. Green last fall.
Christie Grider joined the court first thing Wednesday at 9a by phone. She had been tested on Tuesday for Covid-19 and was quaratined at home until April 17.
She provided the court with medical documentation of her test.
She was asked where she lived and she said 2900 North Old State Road 56 and that she had lived there for four years.
Before that she said she lived on Macon Avenue in Salem.
Medlock ask if she was feeling ill and she said she was. “Do you feel like going forward,” the Judge asked. “It’s fine,” she answered. “Just short of breath.”
She said before living on Macon Avenue she lived on North College.
She listed her current mailing address as PO Box 88, Salem.
She said she was employed at Cobblestone Hotel in Salem for the past three years.
She said she was not married but had adult children.
Grider said she had known Justin Green for over 17 years.
She said she didn’t own or rent the property on Old State Road 56.
Leatherbury asked who Green was to her and she answered, “He’s my boyfriend.”
She said they did not live together.
Leatherbury asked if they had ever lived together and Wilder objected. Medlock said, considering the relationship, he was going to allow Leatherbury some lattitude in his questioning.
Leatherbury spent a lot of time questioning Grider about her automobile or lack thereof and led to entering a traffic ticket from 2017 in which she had been pulled over and cited for not having a seatbelt and also driving with a dealer plate, presumably belonging to Green’s Auto Sales.
This did lead to a bit of levity in the trial. The text on the citation said it had been dismissed because the entry says the defendent was diseased.
Medlock said to Grider, “Do you know why the entry says you’re dead?”
Wilder said that was an issue for the prosecuting attorney, which had approved the dismissal of the citation.
Grider said she had no idea why the citation was dismissed.
Grider said that Green had lived at 2900 North Old State Road 56 for a brief time. She said it was when the Macon Avenue address had been sold and while he was renovating the Tucker Street property.
She said the two lived on Macon Avenue together.
After moving to the SR 56 property, she said they didn’t live together very long. “It wasn’t long,” she said. “He wasn’t here long. He was back and forth working. He bought that property and I can’t give you a date because I don’t really know. He wasn’t here most of the time anyway.”
Greg Ball, Washington County Assessor.
Ball brought the original property disclosure form into court.
Wilder asked Ball if a person had to make a homestead exemption and Ball answered no.
Wilder asked Ball if the document from October 12, 2012 noted that Green listed his primary residence as 106 Macon Avenue. Ball agreed.
Wilder asked Ball if he would be surprised if he told him that during Tuesday’s testimony that the Auditor’s First Deputy said she decided where the Homestead Exemption would go in Green’s case. “She decided that the Homestead Exemption should go to 2900 North Old State Road 56. That’s not a right the auditor has,”said Wilder. “To choose to give someone a Homestead Exemption.”
Ball went through the property assessment values of 509 Tucker Street showing that the property had increased in value after Green renovated it and began living there.
Justin Green, 509 Tucker Street, Salem. Owner of Green’s Auto Sales and Mayor of the City of Salem.
Green said he had been at the property since 2016. He said he purchased the 2900 North Old State Road 56 property in 2012 as an investment.
He said he lived there for a short period of time while the property at Tucker Street was being renovated.
Leatherbury asked Green if he ever went to the Auditor’s office and he said he did so in 2019 during his campaign when he learned there was discussion of an error with a Homestead Exemption and he said he wanted to see what it was.
Leatherbury asked Green if he knew how much his property had benefited from the tax credit and Green said he did not.
Leatherbury asked several questions regarding the amount of savings Green had received on the property.
Wilder objected. “Judge, the evidence so far …. we have a direct statement from the First Deputy Auditor that [she] DECIDED WHERE TO PUT THE HOMESTEAD CREDIT. She decided. Her statement. Her words. Her evidence. Mrs. Schrieber decided where that Homestead Exemption went. Mr. Leatherbury is trying to bog down the evidence. Another effort to impune the Mayor of Salem and bashing him with irrelevant information…to create another campaign four years from now. Once again a further example of why this case is frivolous on its face value.”
The court took a break and came back at approximately 10:45a with William “Bill” Ackerman, 198 East Oak Drive, Salem.
Leatherbury asked how Ackerman came to file the suit against Green.
“I had heard rumors off and on and I went to the Democratic Chair approximately the first part of September and asked her if she’d heard about this,” said Ackerman. Ï’ve never been in politics and never been a candidate. She advised me to stick with my campaign and they would look into it.”
Leatherbury asked why Ackerman had pursude legal action. “I thought this was the right thing to do. I didn’t think it had to do with either party. If what was said was true, then this needed to be brought to light and settled in a court of law.
Leatherbury introduced exhibits of utility bills he had subpeoned and introduced as evidence. Ackerman read through a few of the water bills showing the 2900 North Old State Road 56 water bill from East Washington Rural Water Corporation was significantly higher than the City of Salem water bill from 509 Tucker Avenue.
The 509 Tucker Street address generally had $12.30 per month water bills with usage around 20-40 gallons of water per month. That house is listed as having approx. 1700 square feet including a garage.
The 2900 North Old State Road 56 property is on 66 acres and includes a 3840 square foot home with two outbuildings. The water bills there ranged from $50 to $200 a month depending on the month and usage.
Both utility bills were sent to the 509 Tucker Street address.
Wilder asked Ackerman if Ron Haendiges had raised questions about Green’s residency and Ackerman agreed.
“When I heard the rumors, I felt like during the Primary time it was the Republican’s opportunity or their job to [do something],”Ackerman said. “I felt like it was the Republican party had to hear the same rumors going around town. As it got later on in the summer time, I had people come up to me and tell me things. At that time, I went to Darlene Briscoe. She said she heard the same things and she was looking into it. She said for me to focus on my campaign.”
Wilder’s line of questioning —
Wilder: Mr. Ackerman, you could have called the state election board anytime?
Ackerman: Yes
Wilder: You could have consulted with an attorney at any time?
Ackerman: Yes. [Briscoe] made it clear she couldn’t give me any legal advice. The realm of our talks…
Wilder: How well do you know Jay Davisson?
Ackerman: He and his wife lived across the street from us
Wilder: You understood you were only going to be Mayor of Salem right now is if you win this case on a technicality of residence?
Ackerman: Yes
Leatherbury Objection to referring to the law as a technicality and Wilder referenced a case where an election case referred to this as a technicality.
Wilder: Let me ask this another way. You realize you’ve raised a technicality?
Ackerman: Yes
Wilder: You understand the only way you can be Mayor of Salem is that if you win on that technicality?
Ackerman: That is my understanding.
Wilder: And you understood from the moment you had knowledge of the question of his residency?
Ackerman: No, I knew that after the election.
Wilder: You never asked anyone to make any complaints whatsoever?
Ackerman: No, sir. I can say I’ve talked to people and people have talked to me. Just general questions.
Wilder: You didn’t ask Mr. Davisson to go to the [Indiana] State Police and complain?
Ackerman: No, sir.
Wilder: He never told you that he went to the [Indiana] State Police on Sept. 5 and…
Leatherbury objected.
Wilder: You’re telling the court and everyone here – you chose not to fully investigate this question of residency yourself?
Ackerman: Correct.
Wilder: You chose not to investigate the rights you have?
Ackerman: Correct.
Wilder: You chose not to vet the candidate for Mayor and his eligibility until after you lost the election?
Ackerman: Correct.
Wilder: You chose to become fully informed after you lost?
Ackerman: I believe it was 14 days.
Wilder called his only witness of the trial, Justin Todd Green, 509 Tucker Street, Salem, Mayor of the City of Salem
Green said he grew up on a farm on North Trueblood Road, outside of Salem. He is a 1995 graduate of Salem High School and went to college at Vincennes University and graduated in 1997.
Green said he returned to Salem and got a job in finance and then went into car sales and lived at Walnut Tree Apartments.
He said he first bought a home on Nichols Avenue then after about three years moved to Macon Avenue and lived there approximately 13 years from 2003 to 2016.
Green said he had been in a relationship with Grider for 17 years.
He said Grider had lived in an apartment and rented for awhile and he helped pay her rent, her bills. “I felt obligated to help,” he said.
Green said in 2016 the real estate economy was getting stronger and he put the Macon Avenue house up for sale.
He said in a matter of days he sold it and shortly afterwards bought the Tucker Street property. “About 10 days later,” he noted.
Green said in 2012, he purchased an investment property east of Salem – the 2900 North Old State Road 56 location.
“I was aware of the property and the lay of the land and the vicinity to my brother and father’s farm and looking to expand,”he said.
He said he bought a small lot next to WSLM that only contains an old log cabin.
Green said from 2012 to 2016 the State Road 56 location was vacant. “I maintained the yard and the property and emptied the dehumidifier…things that needed to be done.”
Green said he never rented it.
He said the Tucker Street property was a 3-bay workshop. “I took the dimensions and visualized how an apartment could lay in one bay of that barn. That’s exactly what I proceeded to do.”
He purchased the property in 2016 and did most of the work, he told the court.
“I had several people help me frame but I did the majority of the work,” he told Wilder.
While he was working on Tucker Street in 2016, Green said due to the quick sale of Macon Avenue, he had to stay at Old State Road 56 residence.
When it was finished, he moved in and lived there.
Wilder entered into evidence several Driver’s License records from Green.
The first showed he lived on Macon Avenue in January 2012. The next showed his address at 509 Tucker Street on September 2, 2016.
Wilder also showed that Green has a license to sell insurance and that those insurance records that listed 115 Nichols Avenue, then 106 Macon Avenue and eventually 509 Tucker Street.
Wilder: Where does your insurance license today reflect where you live?
Green: 509 Tucker Street
Wilder: Where did it reflect you lived in 2017?
Green: 509 Tucker Street
Wilder: Where did it reflect you lived in 2018?
Green: 509 Tucker Street
Wilder: What about your electric bill?
Green: 509 Tucker Street
Wilder: What about your water bill?
Green: 509 Tucker Street
Wilder: Do you have other utilities? What about at 2900 North Old State Road 56?
Green: I do.
Wilder: Where are those sent?
Green: 509 Tucker Street. I pay for the bills because the property is mine and she does live there. I’ve allowed her to stay there and I take care of that.
Wilder: You don’t live with her, but you take care of her?
Green: Correct.
Wilder: When you bought 509 Tucker Street was there an address there?
Green: No
Wilder: Explain how you have an address?
Green: Had never been legally entered into the postal service or 911 addressing. Had to be visually inspected and numerics assigned to that. I had to meet with the Emergency Management and US Post Office assign the address.
Wilder: And it was inspected and determined to be habitable?
Green: Correct
Wilder: And you’ve served on the Salem City Council?
Green: Yes, three terms. 12 years. I took office in 2007. I ran for re-election and was re-elected and served from 2011 to 2015. I was at 106 Macon Avenue. I was re-elected in 2015 and was living at 106 Macon Avenue.
Wilder: When you ran for Mayor in 2019, where was your domicile and address?
Green: 509 Tucker Street
Wilder: What purposed you to buy that?
Green: To become my home and residence. To make that my home.
Wilder: You don’t live in the same home as your girlfriend? Is that odd to you?
Green: May not be conventional. Don’t want to compare mine [my relationship] to everyone else’s. It’s not ideal. But if works for us. She stays out there. She is quite content with the country lifestyle. She’s happy. That works. I’m in town. We’ve made the best of it.
Wilder: Did you dispute the fact that you didn’t tell them this was your primary residence? [regarding the sales disclosure form for 2900 North Old State Road 56]
Green: I did not check that.
Wilder: You heard Mrs. Schrieber say she went out and investigated and she decided where your homestead exemption should [go]? Did you know she was out trying to give you a homestead exemption at 2900 [North Old State Road 56]?
Green: No
Wilder: Did she ask you?
Green: No
Wilder: Dis she ever call you back?
Green: No
Wilder: When did you find out?
Green: April 2019. I asked immediately to have it change.
Wilder: Did you ask if you have any indebtedness to the county?
Green: No.
Wilder: If you do, will you pay it?
Green: I asked if it would be a process and they acted like it was a very lengthy process. Correct.
Wilder: When you leave Salem and go anywhere, where is it your intent to return?
Green: 509 Tucker Street.
Wilder: When you left Salem before you had a place at 509 Tucker Street, where was it you intended to return?
Green: 106 Macon Avenue.
Leatherbury asked Green where he moved after selling the Macon Avenue house.
Green said he and Grider moved in together at the 2900 North Old State Road 56 address. He said they lived there for just a few months together and when the Tucker Street house was renovated, he moved there and Grider stayed at the other address.
Leatherbury addressed when Tucker Street was ready to move in and Green said it was sometime in early 2017.
Both parties rested their cases and the Judge said he would issue a ruling on April 30. At that time, both parties were asked to provide their findings of fact to the court.