Home WSLM NEWS Local News Alert Trooper Helps Unconscious Driver at Vincennes Car Wash

Alert Trooper Helps Unconscious Driver at Vincennes Car Wash


Last night at approximately 8:00, Trooper Hatfield was on-duty and waiting to wash his patrol car at Dirt Buster Car Wash located at 6th Street and Saint Clair Street in Vincennes when he noticed a driver in a nearby wash bay falling over while behind the wheel.

Hatfield noticed the front seat passenger would push him back up only for the driver to fall over again.

There was another female outside washing the vehicle. Trooper Hatfield approached the vehicle and noticed the 39-year-old Bicknell man was unconscious and appeared to not be breathing.

Hatfield requested an ambulance and then placed the male outside the vehicle on the ground. Trooper Hatfield believed the driver was experiencing an overdose and requested an ambulance.

When Vincennes Police arrived they administered Narcan to the unconscious male.

Knox County EMS arrived and transported the male to Good Samaritan Hospital. According to EMS personnel, the Narcan took effect while en route to the hospital and the male regained consciousness.

The male was admitted to Good Samaritan Hospital in Vincennes, but his current status in unknown.