Friday afternoon Washington County Circuit Judge Larry Medlock issued an order admitting some Mid-Southern Savings Bank documents into evidence into the Ackerman-Green bench trial from earlier in the week.
Medlock also denied admitting some evidence that he initially accepted during the trial, pending review.
According to Judge Medlock’s order on April 17, the following documents are allowed to be admitted as Evidence during Bench Trial on April 15, 2020:
A. Annual Borrower Statement for the tax year ending 12/31/2017.
B. Annual Borrower Statement for the tax year ending 12/31/2018.
C. LNS Transaction History Report for Green, Justin Todd, effect dates
1/31/2019 11/29/2019.
D. Mid-Southern Savings Bank checks associated with the mortgage.
The following documents are denied from being admitted as evidence during Bench Trial on April 15, 2020.
A. Universal Credit Application (Consumer Residential Real Estate), dated
B. Mortgage, dated 10/20/2012.
C. Adjustable-Rate Note, dated 10/20/2012.
D. Real Estate Purchase Agreement, dated 9/24/2012.
E. Settlement Statement, settlement date 10/20/12.
Medlock had told both sides during the preparation for the trial in April that he would only consider evidence in a two year period prior to the election – so from 2017-2019.
Additional documents were presented as evidence prior to that date and some testimony was stricken regarding information outside of that date range.
Medlock is expected to rule on the trial between former Democratic Mayoral Candidate William “Bill” Ackerman and current Republican Mayor Justin Green by April 30.
The trial took place Tuesday and Wednesday, April 14 and 15.
Green’s attorney Larry Wilder asked for a motion to dismiss the case due to the evidence presented by Ackerman’s attorney Doug Leatherbury.
Medlock ruled against that on April 16.