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Kimball International Supports Salem Community During COVID-19


As COVID-19 continues to impact communities across the nation and globe, individuals and companies are stepping in to support their local communities. Kimball International and its employees have bee n working together over several weeks to donate their time and resources to support the communities in which we operate, including Salem.

Kimball International has been leveraging its core business of manufacturing healthcare furniture solutions, in addition to using existing talent and resources to manufacture Personal protective equipment (PPE), for those in need.

The company reached out to local hospitals to offer support – and were met with an enthusiastically positive response.

Kimball International employees in Salem rolled up their sleeves and got to work.

They uncrated, unpackaged, unboxed, assembled and delivered a total of 50 of the company’s Mascot mobile bedside tables, along with 50 face shields, to St. Vincent Ascension last week on April 14.

The medical staff was very grateful.

Lonnie Nicholson, Shannon Campbell, and Dave Campbell deliver face shields and tables to St. Vincent Ascension.

And it’s not just medical professionals benefitting from these efforts. The Kimball International-HabigFoundation made a $2,500 donation to the Hoosier Helpers non-profit in Salem to help fund their mission to provide meals to the homebound.

“I am inspired and humbled by these giving stories,” said Lonnie Nicholson, Kimball International’s Chief Human Resources Officer, “because it truly demonstrates our purpose as a company– to be makers of possibility. We are proud to have been a part of helping the Salem community during this time of need.”