Home WSLM NEWS Local News Spring Seal Coat Operations to Ramp Up in May

Spring Seal Coat Operations to Ramp Up in May


The Indiana Department of Transportation announces seal coat operations beginning district-wide at the beginning of May.

Depending upon weather conditions, INDOT crews will begin seal coat operations on State Road 358 and S.R. 58 in Knox and Daviess Counties beginning on or around Monday, May 4.

Multiple locations are scheduled for seal coat operations, with work scheduled to last 6-8 weeks district-wide.

Typically seal coat operations in one location will last for about four days depending upon weather conditions and will be done under partial road closures to prevent damage to both vehicles and the roadway.

This also increases the quality of the finished surface.

After the seal coat is complete, any loose aggregate will be swept away from the road. After a curing period, workers will come back and fog seal the new driving surface.

Seal Coating, on average, extends the life of the pavement by three to five years.

For every $1 spent on seal coat, taxpayers save $6-14 in future road rehabilitation and construction costs.

Motorists should remember to slow down, increase following distance, obey all work zone signs and flaggers, and plan for extra time to get to your destination.

The schedule for seal coating is as follows (all dates are weather dependent):

  • Monday, May 4 (two locations), S.R. 58 From S.R. 358 to U.S. 231 (Town of Odon excluded) and S.R. 358 from S.R. 57 to S.R. 58.
  •  Monday, May 11 (two locations) S.R. 158 From Crane Naval Base Gate to S.R. 450 in Bedford and S.R. 458 from S.R. 158 to the end of the road.
  • Monday, May 18, (two operations) S.R. 62 from S.R. 245 to S.R. 162 and S.R. 62 from S.R. 162 to S.R. 545.
  • Tuesday, May 26, (two operations) S.R. 145 from 164 to Town Limit of Birdseye, S.R. 145 from S.R. 37 to Bristow Town Limit
  • Monday, June 8, (two locations) S.R. 550 from S.R. 67 in Bruceville to U.S. 50 in Wheatland and S.R. 241 from U.S. 50 in Wheatland to S.R. 61 at Monroe City.
  • Monday, June 15, shoulder seal coat on S.R. 67 from S.R. 550 in Bruceville to Bicknell limit, U.S. 41 from S.R. 54 to about 1.6 miles south of S.R. 48.

INDOT urges drivers to slow down and stay alert near crews