Legislative actions will be critical to how quickly Indiana can rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic and return to the economic prosperity it enjoyed as a leader in the Midwest and national competitor, says the Indiana Chamber of Commerce.
The organization today released a public policy agenda to help achieve both short-term relief and long-term economic growth for Hoosier businesses and their workforce.
The more than 30 recommended policies fall into six areas: economic stimulus, employment, health, tax, and unemployment, as well as federal initiatives. As events progress and the Indiana Chamber policy committees continue their work, potentially more specific initiatives in some policy areas will be added.
The list has been shared with Governor Holcomb and his Economic Recovery Task Force, state legislators, and the Indiana congressional delegation.
“We’re encouraging all state and federal officials to thoughtfully consider the agenda. We believe there is an opportunity to garner bipartisan support for a number of the proposals, offers Kevin Brinegar, Indiana Chamber president, and CEO.
“Providing legal protections for employers that follow established safety guidelines is an important short-term step, with a variety of tax measures needed to assist employers and employees.”
The Indiana Chamber’s full Road to Recovery policy agenda can be found at www.indianachamber.com/recoveryagenda.
Brinegar also notes that companies looking for guidance to restart their operations can go to the Indiana Chamber’s Employer Coronavirus Resources page at www.indianachamber.com/coronavirus.
The site, which has seen more than 25,000 visitors in six weeks, is shifting to an Economic Road to Recovery focus May 1 – to help employers and their workers get back to business as soon as it is feasible and safe to do so.