Home WSLM NEWS Local News Farmer’s Market Meeting Set For May 18

Farmer’s Market Meeting Set For May 18


The Washington County Farmers’ Market Board of Directors is hosting a meeting for past,
current, and potential market vendors for 2020. 

The meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 18, 2020, at 6:30 pm at the Washington Co. Government Building Meeting Room (806 Martinsburg Rd., Salem). 

This meeting will cover information such as the 2020 Vendor Contract, market
updates, COVID-19 guidelines for the 2020 market season, and to answer vendor questions. 

This is a public meeting, but all social distancing guidelines from the “Back on Track Indiana” plan must be followed.  Those who are 65 years of age or older, who have high-risk medical conditions, are exhibiting signs of illness, and/or who do not feel comfortable participating should not attend this meeting. 

The wearing of masks is also recommended. 

For more information about social distancing guidelines visit: https://backontrack.in.gov/2348.htm

To help plan for the meeting and to ensure that there are not more than approx. 25 in attendance and to maintain 6 feet social distancing during the meeting (per the “Back on Track Indiana” plan), the Washington Co. Farmers’ Market Board of Directors is requesting that only one person from each vendor family attend this meeting. 

RSVP’s are also required for the meeting.  To RSVP, or if there are questions about this meeting, contact Purdue Extension – Washington County by Friday, May 15, 2020 by calling 812-883-4601 or emailing dhowellw@purdue.edu.