Home WSLM NEWS Local News Lawn & Garden Update Webinar

Lawn & Garden Update Webinar


Do you have questions about your lawn and garden? If so, you should plan to join the 2020 Lawn & Garden Webinar presented by Richard Beckort, Purdue Extension Ag. & Natural
Resources Educator in Jackson County on Thursday, May 21, 2020 beginning at 11:30 am.

Richard will discuss what you should be doing in your awn/garden right now, what problems you may be seeing, what problems you should be watching for, and what you should be planting
in your vegetable garden.

Most importantly, Richard will be available to answer your specific
lawn and garden questions. To join the webinar and/or to receive the webinar recording, pre-registration is required by Tuesday, May 19, 2020 by visiting https://bit.ly/2020lawngarden.

For questions about the webinar, contact Purdue Extension – Jackson Co. at rbeckort@purdue.edu or 812-358-6101, Purdue Extension – Lawrence Co. at odavis@purdue.edu or 812-275-4623, or Purdue Extension – Washington County at dhowellw@purdue.edu or 812-883-4601.