Home WSLM NEWS Local News WSLM Political Forum is Tuesday Evening

WSLM Political Forum is Tuesday Evening


WSLM will host a Washington County Political Forum scheduled for May 12 at 6:30p at City Hall in Salem.

Due to COVID-19, the forum will be held virtually.

Those invited to participate in the event include the following candidates:

  • Washington County Clerk – Stephanie Rockey
  • County Surveyor – Emily Rodman
  • Commissioner District 1 – Phillip Marshall
  • Commissioner District 3 – Rick Roberts 
  • Treasurer – Nancy Coats and Shirley Batt
  • Coronor – Peg Schell and Steven Tye. 
  • Council At-Large – Mark “Bubba” Abbott, Rondale Brishaber, Jason Cockerill, Gerald Fleming, Duane Malloy, Keeley R. Stingle. 

The forum will be broadcast live on WSLM 1220 AM, WSLM 97.9 FM, and LIVE at wslmradio.com via stream or on our Facebook page.

The purpose of the format is to offer both Republican and Democratic candidates the opportunity to express and discuss their positions and views on matters of importance in the upcoming Primary Election on June 2. 

The event will be held at Salem City Hall Council Chambers.

Rebecca White of WSLM and Attorney Alex Ooley will moderate a question and answer session beginning at 6:30 p.m.

This event is intended to present the opportunity for local candidates to introduce themselves and to present their ideas for the office each is seeking.

“So many times quoted statements are misinterpreted,” said White. “This is a chance to hear the candidates in their own voice and you can determine exactly what they mean and stand for.”

This event is not intended to be a back and forth style debate.

While some questions and answers may draw out differences in point of view, this is not intended to be a confrontational style debate.

Each candidate will be given 3 minutes for opening statements.

The order will be set by how candidates are placed on the ballot prior to the start of the event.

A timer will be provided to keep track of the time used and to provide notice to speakers of time limits.

The moderators will ask prepared questions of each candidate, and each candidate will have 2 minutes to answer each question.

The public can submit a limited number of questions, which, if selected, will be read to the candidates by one of the moderators. Each candidate will be given 2 minutes to answer.

These questions will be submitted by email at wslmradio@gmail.com and vetted before being read to the candidates.

No one will be given the floor to simply start “firing” questions at the candidates.

The questions must be relevant to the discussion. Candidates will have no prior knowledge of the questions beforehand.