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Hoosier Cities To Benefit From CARES Funding


Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb announced a local funding component as part of Indiana’s plan to spend the state’s $2.4 Billion allocations contained in the recently passed federal CARES Act.  Both Accelerate Indiana Municipalities (Aim) and Association of Indiana Counties (AIC) support and applaud this acknowledgment. 

“County officials welcome and appreciate Governor Holcomb’s generosity in allowing us access to Indiana’s share of CARES Act resources,” AIC President, Anton Neff, Owen County Council said. “We have always been on the front lines providing county-wide services to all Indiana residents but, the COVID-19 issue has greatly amplified that. Without help like this, our ability to continue providing county services – both short and long term – will be negatively impacted. Our health departments, emergency management agencies, and public safety personnel have carried a heavy load through all of this. That, along with our administration of the Primary Election, changes in operations, and protection of our workforce, comes with unexpectedly high costs. Fortunately, we are well-positioned to efficiently place and account for any resources we receive. County officials will do everything they can to deliver consistent service to our citizens.”

Aim President and Warsaw Mayor Joe Thallemer noted, “Indiana’s local units have responded to this crisis with urgency, using the health and safety of our citizens as a constant guidepost.  Cities and towns quickly began addressing the needs of our communities and municipal workforces by acquiring PPE, as well as additional sanitizers and cleaners. Our frontline public safety and public works departments are working overtime to relieve those that are quarantined or caring for loved ones.  We are incurring additional technology expenses to provide remote delivery of municipal services, and much more.  Aim applauds Governor Holcomb for committing a significant portion of CARES Act funding to the reimbursement of local governments for some of the unforeseen and unprecedented expenditures resulting from our response to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The purpose of Aim shall be to foster, promote, and advocate for the success of Hoosier municipalities as laboratories of innovation, hubs of talent, and the engines driving our state’s economy. 

The Association of Indiana Counties, Inc. is a nonprofit organization established in 1957 for the betterment of county government. The various functions of the AIC include lobbying the Indiana General Assembly on behalf of counties, serving as a liaison among counties, state and federal agencies as well as providing technical assistance and training to county officials and employees.