Home WSLM NEWS Local News Personal Service Workers in Floyd County To Get Masks

Personal Service Workers in Floyd County To Get Masks


The Floyd County Health Department (FCHD) is starting a program to issue procedural masks to Personal
Service workers. “We are donating the masks to facilitate a safer resumption of service during the start-up for the State,” said Dr. Tom Harris, Floyd County Health Officer.

The FCHD is also working with individual establishments to answer questions and address site-specific concerns.

Under the Personal Service Mask Program, managers will contact the FCHD at 812-948-4726, ext. 661 and arrange pick-up at 1917 Bono Road, New Albany, Indiana.

Managers can also present to the FCHD side door Thursday and Friday this week from 8:30 am-3:45 pm, as well as Monday (5/18/20) from 8:30 am until noon.

Please contact 812-948-4726 extension 661 for further information if you are a Personal Service manager.