The Floyd County Health Department (FCHD) is starting a program to issue procedural masks to Personal
Service workers. “We are donating the masks to facilitate a safer resumption of service during the start-up for the State,” said Dr. Tom Harris, Floyd County Health Officer.
The FCHD is also working with individual establishments to answer questions and address site-specific concerns.
Under the Personal Service Mask Program, managers will contact the FCHD at 812-948-4726, ext. 661 and arrange pick-up at 1917 Bono Road, New Albany, Indiana.
Managers can also present to the FCHD side door Thursday and Friday this week from 8:30 am-3:45 pm, as well as Monday (5/18/20) from 8:30 am until noon.
Please contact 812-948-4726 extension 661 for further information if you are a Personal Service manager.