Home WSLM NEWS Local News Property Taxes Due July 10; Penalties To Be Added on July 11

Property Taxes Due July 10; Penalties To Be Added on July 11


Washington County residents have had an extra two months to pay their spring installment of property taxes and it’s about time for the July 10 deadline to hit. 

According to Washington County Treasurer Shirley Batt, “the deadline is drawing near for penalties to be added to property taxes.”

Batt said the executive order which allowed the waiver of penalties after the May 11, 2020 spring installment of property taxes will be up on July 10th

Any unpaid Spring taxes for payable 2020 and any unpaid delinquent taxes from 2019 will have penalties added beginning July 11, 2020. 

Batt said payments may still be made at First Savings Bank locations (with payment coupon), or by mail and the drop box located on the south side of the courthouse. 

If the public has questions, they can call 812-883-3307 or email sbatt@washingtoncounty.in.gov

Under an executive order signed by Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb, all 92 Indiana counties were ordered to waive late payment penalties regarding property taxes for 60 days after the May 11 deadline.

Several counties are concerned about maintaining orderly operations of government services with the extension, the governor said.

But Holcomb emphasized the state will work with counties that may experience cash flow stress because of the delay.

The waiver does not apply to property tax payments which have been escrowed by financial institutions on behalf of property taxpayers, according to the executive order.

However, it does apply to property tax liabilities for both real and personal property, she said.