Home WSLM NEWS Local News Filing Season Open for School Board Positions

Filing Season Open for School Board Positions


It’s time to file to run for school board positions in Washington County. 

School Board filings for all three schools began on July 22nd and will end at noon on August 21st.

Openings for school board:

Salem At-Large (Gibson, Jefferson, Monroe, & Washington Townships)- 4 positions

Those in the Salem district that are up for reelection are Mark “Bubba” Abbott, Ericka Garloch, Ron Haendiges, and Dustin Davidson, who was appointed to finish out former board member Steve Motsinger’s term. 

East Washington- 2 positions- Polk township and Town of Pekin

Those up for re-election in the West Washington School District are:

Madison – Aaron Dennis; Vernon – Salvatore Sama and Posey – Brian Farmer