Home WSLM NEWS Local News Daughter Tips Police to Marijuana in Parent’s House; Search Finds Pot and...

Daughter Tips Police to Marijuana in Parent’s House; Search Finds Pot and Pills


The Washington County Prosecutor’s office released additional details in the arrest of a Salem City Council member and her daughter on drug charges. 

Gail Napier, 66, District 4 Council Member, and her daughter, Annie, 35, were arrested early Tuesday morning on charges of possessing marijuana, a Legend Drug and several additional charges. 

According to the police report, Annie Napier advised police of drug activity going on in the home and even retrieved marijuana located in an upstairs bedroom and placed it in front of officers, which led to them obtaining a search warrant and searching the home.

After the search, both mother and daughter were arrested when Marijuana and two different types of pills were found in the house. 

Salem Police Officer Dylan Moore suggested to Prosecuting Attorney Dustin Houchin that Gail’s husband, Michael, be arrested on the following charges:


Gail Napier was released a little after 7a on Tuesday, Sept. 2. Her bond was set at $4700. 

Annie Napier is still in jail after her bond was set at $4700.

She is set for her first appearance in Washington Circuit Court in front of Judge Larry Medlock on Wednesday morning at 8:30a. 

There was no first appearance set for Gail Napier. 

According to the police report, On Monday, August 31, at approximately 9: 22 PM Officer Moore responded to a verbal dispute between a mother and daughter at 306 East Walnut Street.

Officer Jordan Taylor also responded.

Officers spoke with a female and a male later identified as Gail and Michael Napier inside the residence.

Officer Taylor spoke to Annie Napier outside of the residence.

Michael advised police that Annie came inside to speak with her mother when things became heated. He advised that Annie always comes over, and is very verbally abusive to her mother. 

Gail and Michael both asked Annie to leave the residence but Annie refused, according to their statements to police. 

Police asked both parents if Annie legally lived at their residence at 306 East Walnut Street, to which they advised that she did not.

Police asked if she received mail at this residence to which they stated sometimes, but she isn’t supposed to.

Officers advised both parents at that time that they could ask her to leave if this was not her legal residence.

Moore said he went outside to speak with Officer Taylor and Annie.

He said they asked Annie what her legal address was, and she stated 306 East Walnut Street.

She produced her Indiana driver’s license that showed her address listed as 306 East Walnut Street.

Police asked Annie what her plans were for tonight and she advised that she was going to leave the residence, but she had things that she brought with her inside of the house still.

While speaking with Annie outside of the residence, she stated that there was a lot of drug activity inside the residence. She told police that there was marijuana inside of the residence and that she knew this because she lived here for many years.

According to the police report, Annie advised that Michael used marijuana all of the time.

Police escorted Annie back into the residence so that she could retrieve her personal belongings.

According to the report, Annie went inside of the residence and began grabbing her belongings.

At one point, Annie stated that she thought that her dog had defecated inside the house. and walked up the stairs to the second level of the home.

Officers followed Annie up the stairs to make sure that she was retrieving her property.

Police said Annie walked to the top of the stairs and began picking up the mess from the dog. After cleaning approximately half of the mess up, Annie walked into one of the back bedrooms and grabbed a blue glass jar, and sat the jar on the table in the hallway.

Moore wrote that he shined his flashlight on the jar as she brought it out and sat it down.

“The jar had what appeared to be green—leafy substance inside,” Moore wrote in the report. “Annie then made eye contact with me and nodded her head toward the jar.”

Moore said he left the jar sitting where Annie placed it and then asked Officer Taylor to come up the stairs. Officer Taylor picked up the jar and sat it back down.

Annie exited the upstairs and went back downstairs, took her belongings and then went outside.

Officer Taylor also exited the house at that time.

According to police, Annie then stated to the officers that it was marijuana that was in
the jar that she brought out.

Moore said he then contacted Lt., Russell Wilcoxson, at that time, who advised officers to ask the parents Gail and Michael about the finding.

Officer Taylor and Moore walked back to the front door where they were met by Gail Napier.

Officer Taylor asked Gail about the marijuana that was located upstairs.

Gail instantly began to fumble over her words and told police she knew it was in the house and that Michael used marijuana for pain management and that “You guys just wouldn’t understand.”

Officer Taylor advised Gail that no matter what it is used for it is illegal in the State of Indiana.

Moore said he asked Gail if could speak with Michael. She stated yes that he was in the back bedroom lying down.

Moore said he spoke with Michael and Michael advised that yes the marijuana was his and that he used it for pain management.

Michael stated that when he buys it, he places it straight into the blue jar that was located upstairs. Michael stated that he buys his marijuana out of state. Michael then handed police a wooden case out of his shorts pocket that had a white smoking instrument with burnt residue and green leafy substance inside.

Officer Moore said he asked Michael if the jar that was located upstairs had been moved and he stated it had not.

Moore said he walked up the stairs to retrieve the blue glass jar, containing a green leafy substance.

Michael advised police that, it was all of the marijuana that was located inside of the house. That there was nothing else inside of the house.

Moore said he took the blue glass jar and the wooden box out to his police car and placed them into evidence bags.

Washington County Sheriff’s Department Detective Brad Naugle arrived on scene at this time.

Naugle advised that the officers needed to obtain a search warrant or get consent to search the Napiers.

Moore said he went back inside of the residence to speak with Gail and Michael.

He said he asked Gail and Michael if they would be willing to sign a consent to search form for the house.

Moore said in his statement that Michael stated yes, and went into the kitchen where Gail was located and asked her the same question. Gail stated yes that she would sign it.

Moore said he exited the house and spoke to Detective Naugle.

Lt. Wilcoxson arrived on the scene at this time and advised that there was an Indiana State Police Trooper en route to investigate the case due to Gail being a Salem City Councilmember.

Indiana State Trooper Kyle Taylor arrived on the scene. Moore said he advised Taylor of the situation and that the homeowners were willing to sign a consent to search the house.

Taylor went inside to speak with Gail and Michael and then returned outside and advised that Gail now stated that she wanted to speak with her attorney and did not want to sign a consent to search form.

Moore said he then spoke to Houchin on the telephone and advised him of his observations, and statements from Annie.

Moore said he then requested a search warrant for the 306 East Walnut Street address.

Prosecutor Houchin then forwarded the affidavit for a search warrant and the search warrant to Moore’s city email, where Moore printed three copies.

Moore said he advised dispatch to notify Judge Frank Newkirk Jr. that he would be en route to his residence to have a search warrant signed.

Moore said after reviewing the affidavit for the search warrant, and the search warrant, on at 12:31 AM Judge Newkirk signed the affidavit for the search warrant.

At 12:36 am, Moore said he left Judge Newkirk’s residence and was back enroute to 306 Walnut Street to execute the search warrant.

Upon arriving back at the residence, Moore said he asked Gail, Michael, and Annie to step into the living room of the residence.

Moore said he read the search warrant to all residents and signed, dated and time-stamped the search warrant.

The search warrant was executed at 12:51 am.

Due to Michael, Gail and Annie arguing, Annie was then transported to the Washington County Detention Center by Deputy Lucas Gray.

Annie was booked in by the on-duty jailer for the following charges:


After the search warrant was executed Annie was also charged with the following:


K-9 Handler Chad Webb and K-9 partner Zuma were also called to the residence at this time. K-9 Zuma was deployed inside of the house for drug detection.

K-9 Zuma gave an alert several times in the house.

Once in the dining room at cabinet at 1:12 AM, then in a bedroom located upstairs to the right at the dresser at 1:15 AM, and finally in a dresser in another bedroom upstairs at 1:18 AM.

K-9 Zuma then exited the house.

After K-9 Zuma exited the house, police began a search of the house.

Moore said they started in the dining room near the cabinet where K-9 Zuma alerted first.

After a search of the cabinet, officers went into the bedroom on the main floor where Michael was lying down when police first spoke to him.

The K-9 did not alert in this room, but the search was conducted due to Michael being in that room. Nothing was located in that room.

The next bedroom that was searched was the first bedroom on the right upstairs commonly referred to as Michaels bedroom. K-9 Zuma alerted on the dresser in this room, and after a search of this room, there were 16 pills located inside of an orange pill bottle with a white lid located inside of the dresser.

The orange bottle did not have a label on the outside with name or prescription name.

The pills were blue in color with the markings “MYLAN 1610”.

Police were able to identify the pills using the drugs.com intemet website.

Police said the pills were identified as Dicyclomine Hydrochloride, 10 MG.

In the same bedroom left of the bed there was nightstand, and on the nightstand there was clear glass “cup” that was located that had green leafy substance in the bottom.

Inside the same nightstand there was drawer that opened that contained a metal ginder with green leafy substance inside, and a single white pill bearing “LU V53,” and White smoking instrument with burnt residue.

Police again were able to search out the pill and learned it was identified as Ziprasidone Hydrochloride 60 MG.

There was also green leafy substance located loose inside of the nightstand.

In another dresser in the same bedroom, there was a brown wooden box located with green leafy substance inside.

After the search of the house was complete the vehicle and garage were also searched.

After the complete search of the house, vehicles, and garage, police placed all evidence in the rear of Moore’s fully marked patrol vehicle to be transported to the Salem City Police Department.

Moore then entered the house and advised the residents of their findings.

Moore said he then advised Gail that she was under arrest.

Gail stood up and placed double locking handcuffs on her at that time.

Moore said he advised Michael that he would not be under arrest at this time due to his ongoing medical conditions.

Moore wrote in his report that he advised Michael that would be filing this investigation with the Washington County Prosecutors Office and that he would be requesting a warrant to be issued.

Moore said he then lefit the scene and transported Gail to the Washington County Detention Center at approximately 02: l6 AM.

Gail Napier was then booked into the detention center for the following charges:


All evidence that was removed from the scene was taken to the Salem Police Department for the purpose of being stored and digital photographs were taken throughout the house before the search warrant was executed and during the search warrant, also photographs were taken of the vehicles and the detached garage.

All evidence was photographed as well, according to Moore.