Home WSLM NEWS Local News Nightly lane restrictions begin Feb. 1 on I-65 in Bartholomew County

Nightly lane restrictions begin Feb. 1 on I-65 in Bartholomew County


Nightly lane closures are scheduled to begin Monday, Feb. 1, on I-65 NB and SB in Bartholomew County.

Closures will be in place for two-to-three nights from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. at Denois Creek, Opossum Creek and the Deaver Rd. overpass, located south of Columbus.

The lane closures will protect crews placing temporary barrier wall in the median and outside shoulders prior to bridge work as part of the added travel lanes project between Walesboro and Columbus.

Additional lane closures and restrictions will begin as early as mid-March as construction gets underway on the $65 million contract that includes the addition of a third travel lane on I-65 between S.R. 58 and S.R. 46, bridge widening and rehabilitation, structure replacement, and resurfacing between the Driftwood River Bridge and U.S. 31 at Taylorsville.

Motorists are reminded to slow down, use extra caution, and drive distraction-free through all work zones. All work is weather-dependent and schedules are subject to change.