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Support grows for Rep. Davisson’s bill helping Paoli students


The House Agriculture and Rural Development Committee voted this week to advance State Rep. Steve Davisson’s (R-Salem) legislation helping Paoli Junior-Senior High School students continue to sell their pork and lettuce to the school.

As the state lawmaker representing the Orange County school in the General Assembly, Davisson, a member of the committee, authored legislation allowing youth agricultural education programs throughout the state to sell up to $7,500 worth of products to schools without going through a competitive procurement process.

He said local students like those who are raising hogs and growing hydroponic lettuce, and then selling their products to the cafeteria, are learning many valuable lessons about agriculture and business.

And now, they can also learn about changing laws.

“This is another example of how government can work to help local Hoosiers, and hopefully we can make a change so these programs can continue to teach our students important, hands-on lessons,” Davisson said.

“Sourcing inexpensive local, fresh food sets a great example for students. When we create a legal avenue for this to continue, more schools around the state should pursue similar programs for their students.”

Davisson said after the committee voted unanimously to advance House Bill 1119, it now moves to the full House of Representatives for further consideration.

To learn more and watch legislative proceedings, visit iga.in.gov.