On Sunday afternoon, around 4:30 pm, Sgt. Greg Day of the Indiana State Police Bloomington District ACES (Aggressive Criminal Enforcement Section) was assisting Bedford Police Officers with a drug investigation in the 300 block of R Street.
While at this residence, officers obtained information that Justin A. Nelson (38 years old of Louisville, Kentucky) was on his way to that residence to deliver a large amount of methamphetamine.
Bedford Police arrested the individuals at the residence, while Sgt. Day remained on R Street to watch for Nelson. A few minutes later, Nelson turned northbound onto R Street from 4th Street, driving a 2003 Ford Escape.
As Nelson pulled up in front of the residence, Sgt. Day pulled in front of him and activated his emergency lights. However, Nelson put the car in reverse, backed up a few feet, put it back in drive, then accelerated off-road and around Sgt. Day.
Sgt. Day turned around and initiated a very short vehicle pursuit on Nelson in the Ford Escape.
Less than a block north, R Street ends and an alley then runs eastbound toward Lincoln Avenue. Nelson drove to the end of R Street then began to drive through the backyard of a residence. Sgt. Day traveled down the alley, onto Lincoln Avenue, and observed Nelson driving through a yard in the 100 block of Lincoln Avenue. When Nelson saw Sgt. Day, he turned around (causing minor damage to a plastic downspout pipe and the yard), then accelerated back westbound around the residence.
Sgt. Day pulled into the driveway and was able to pursue Nelson a very short distance into a driveway in the 200 block of S Street. Nelson then turned south onto S Street and immediately into a driveway in the 300 block of S Street. Sgt. Day stopped at the end of this driveway, while Nelson drove his Ford over a small rock wall and into the yard of this residence. Due to the configuration of the yard and the woods that surrounded it, Nelson had no place to go. He then exited his Ford and began to flee on foot.
Sgt. Day was able to chase and quickly apprehend Nelson on the side of the house.
Bedford Police Officers Robert Looney, Sgt. Kody Emmons, and Capt. Jesse Crane, along with Trp. Chance Humphrey then arrived on the scene. Capt. Crane deployed his canine, Max, who gave a positive alert on the Ford.
Approximately 3 grams of methamphetamine and several controlled substance pills were located. Sgt. Day checked the area that Nelson had ran and discovered a plastic baggie containing approximately 23 more grams of methamphetamine.
Sgt. Day arrested Nelson for the following offenses incarcerated him at the Lawrence County Jail:
- Dealing Methamphetamine, Level 2 Felony
- Possession of Methamphetamine, Level 3 Felony
- Obstruction of Justice, Level 6 Felony
- Resisting Law Enforcement in a Vehicle, Level 6 Felony
- Resisting Law Enforcement by Fleeing on Foot, Class A Misdemeanor
- Possession of Controlled Substance, Class A Misdemeanor
- Criminal Recklessness, Class B Misdemeanor
- Criminal Mischief, Class B Misdemeanor
All criminal defendants are to be presumed innocent until, and unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.
Anyone with illegal drug activity information is requested to call the Indiana State Police Bloomington Post at 812-332-4411, the Lawrence County Prosecutor’s Office tip line at 812-545-4700, or send an email to drugactivity@
All calls are confidential.