Indiana Department of Transportation Contractor Beaty Construction Inc. plans to begin work late next week on a $5.1 million bridge replacement contract that includes two bridges on S.R. 60 in Washington and Clark Counties.
Crews are scheduled to start at the S.R. 60 bridge over South Fork Blue River, located approximately half a mile west of S.R. 335, just outside of New Pekin, in Washington County.
On or after Friday, April 1, S.R. 60 will be reduced to one lane at the bridge with temporary signals to control traffic. The signals are expected to remain in place through late October 2022.
Work is planned to begin in early July to replace the S.R. 60 bridge over Money’s Branch (4.21 miles west of Grant Line Rd.) in Clark County. Temporary signals will also control traffic at this location through the fall.
INDOT reminds drivers to use extra caution, avoid distractions, and consider worker safety when traveling through active construction zones. All work is weather-dependent and schedules are subject to change.