Home WSLM NEWS Local News Be Heart Smart! Now Scheduled for Hardinsburg!

Be Heart Smart! Now Scheduled for Hardinsburg!


Take greater charge of your Heart Health by joining us in April for Be Heart Smart in Hardinsburg! Did you know that according to data published by the Indiana Department of Health and the CDC, heart disease is the number one cause of death in Indiana?

Additionally, Washington County statistics show greater numbers of death by cardiovascular disease when compared to approximately 60 other counties
throughout Indiana.

The good news: there is much you can do to reduce your risk of heart disease! Join us to learn more.

We will show you how to monitor your risk factors and make simple changes to your daily routine to improve heart health. Gaining greater understanding of heart health can enable you to make lifestyle changes that are good for your heart. We want to put you in charge!

It’s true, knowledge is power and you can be a part of making your heart, your family, and Washington County a healthier community.

This program is being provided FREE thanks to generous support from the Cardiovascular and Diabetes Coalition of Indiana.

Plus, attend all four sessions and you’ll receive a kitchen tool(s), valued at
approximately $30.00!

There will also be a cooking demonstration and recipes provided to participants.

Be Heart Smart sessions will be held on Tuesdays, April 4 th , 11 th , 18 th , and May 2nd , starting at 6:00 P.M.

A special thank you to the Hardinsburg Christian Church, located at 160 S Maple Street in Hardinsburg, for providing the meeting space.

Each session will last approximately one hour. Registration is required.

Contact Sonya H. Mitchell, Health and Human Sciences Educator, Purdue Extension
Washington County at 812-833-4601 or shmitche@purdue.edu.

If you are in need of accommodations to attend this program, please let us know when you register.