Home WSLM NEWS Local News Houchin On House Republican Impeachment Vote on Mayorkis

Houchin On House Republican Impeachment Vote on Mayorkis

Congresswoman Erin Houchin released the following statement last evening.
Tonight, my colleagues and I took action against Bidens Broken Border policies and have impeached DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. As the head of the Department of Homeland Security tasked with keeping our nation secure, Secretary Mayorkas has failed on all measures. With a wide-open Southern Border, allowing more than 8 million illegals, and zero accountability for those who break our laws, the United States is being overrun daily. Millions of illegals who don’t have any regard for the laws of our land are flowing in, and states are being forced to take it upon themselves to do the job our federal government should be doing. House Republicans continue to call on the Senate to pass H.R.2 – to secure our southern border and restore the sovereignty of the United States. If President Joe Biden won’t secure the border and hold Secretary Mayorkas accountable, House Republicans will.