Home WSLM NEWS Local News Hoosiers Preparing for Total Eclipse on April 8

Hoosiers Preparing for Total Eclipse on April 8


The first total solar eclipse in Southern Indiana since 1869 is just a week away and early forecasts are calling for 30-40 percent rain and some cloud cover. 

According to the Louisville National Weather Service office, a detailed forecast will be released later this week. 

According to NASA, Salem will be approximately 74 degrees, with a 50 percent chance of rain and a 72 percent cloud cover. 

You can track the timing of the Eclipse in your area from the NASA site – https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/future-eclipses/eclipse-2024/where-when/

The time of the longest period of totality will be in Beal and Vincinnes Indiana and will be approximately 4 minutes and 5 seconds. 

The time of totality in Salem will be around 2 minutes or less. 

Other area cities and times of totality: 

  • Bloomington – 4 minutes 2 seconds
  • Bedford – 3 minutes 42.2 seconds
  • Mitchell – 3 minutes 24.7 seconds
  • Brownstown – 3 minutes 7.7 seconds
  • Seymour – 3 minutes 6.9 seconds
  • Paoli – 2 minutes 49.4 seconds
  • Scottsburg – 54 seconds
  • Pakin – No totality

The moon’s shadow will touch the edge of the sun around 1:49p. The shadow will be gone by 4:22p 

Total darkness begins in Salem at approximately 3:05:54p and ends at 3:08:15.

Be sure and wear approved eclipse glasses and only remove them when the sun is totally dark. When the sun is visible again, put your eclipse glasses back on. 

Below are official times, predicted weater and totality information for local areas:

This is the first total eclipse visible in the US since August 2017. 

The path of the eclipse this year will touch 13 US states and then move into Canada around 5:16p 

The next total eclipse will be on August 12, 2045 and will pass through the southern US states and for example, in Orlando, Florida, will be viewable for nearly 6 minutes of total darkness.