Home WSLM NEWS Local News Judge Issues Order For Anderson To Undergo Psychiatric Evaluation

Judge Issues Order For Anderson To Undergo Psychiatric Evaluation


The judge in a murder case in Salem has now issued a motion for the defendant, “Princess Califia Hatun Tupak Bey II” the entity representing Dejuane Anderson, to receive psychiatric evaluation.


Leading up to Judge Larry Medlock’s decision earlier today were several motions that Anderson filed this week, including one dismissing her newly-appointed public defender, Alex Ooley.

Her hand-written motion asked for Ooley to be dismissed, citing he is President Biden’s grandson.

Dejaune Anderson, 38, is charged with murder, neglect and obstruction of justice in the death of her 5-year-old son, Cairo Ammar Jordan, whose body was discovered by a mushroom hunter in April 2022 in a wooded area in Pekin.

U.S. Marshals arrested Anderson arrested last month in California after she had been nearly two years on the run.

Anderson appeared in court for her initial hearing last week in Washington Circuit Court.

She filed handwritten court documents Tuesday, April 9, saying she would like to represent herself in upcoming court hearings as well as a memorandum of law and two other motions. 

In one document she claimed Ooley is “the grandson of [President] Joe Biden” and notified him of his termination on April 8 at 4:44p by text message. 

Dejaune-Anderson-motion-to-defend-herself (1)

“Any motions, filings, pleadings on the behalf of the entity Dejaune L. Anderson by Washington County Public Defender Office are null and void,” she wrote.

She also indicates in her filing that she and the “entity of Dejuane Anderson” intend. to exercise the 5th Ammendent; which protects criminal defendants from having to testify if they may incriminate themselves through the testimony. 

Medlock noted that her motions were summarily denied as she is currently represented by counsel.

Anderson continues to identify herself as “Princess Califia Hatun Tupak Bey II” — filed additional motions requesting the judge allow her case to go without trial and argued her charges should be dismissed, citing alleged violations of her due process rights under the U.S. Constitution’s Fifth Amendment.

Today Judge Medlock filed his own motion, requesting Anderson undergo psychiatric evaluations by two doctors to determine her state of mind and see if she is competent to stand trial in August.

Anderson is being held at a Washington County jail without bond and is due back in court on April 25 for a pre-trial hearing.