Home WSLM NEWS Local News Deadline to Sign Up For School Board Election is June 20

Deadline to Sign Up For School Board Election is June 20


According to Washington County Clerk Stephanie Rockey, the period for school board filings is currently open and runs until June 20th at Noon.

The positions will be on the ballot on November 5. 

Those positions are:

  • Salem Community Schools: 4 At-Large seats
  • East Washington Schools: Polk Township and Town of Pekin seats
  • West Washington: Seats in Madison, Posey and Vernon Townships.

Candidates must reside in the district seat that they are seeking and are to petition to be on the ballot by acquiring 10 registered voters signatures in that school district.

“We recommend completing two petition forms (CAN-34) capturing 20 “good” signatures to have enough at the time of filing,” said Rockey.

Potential candidates may call the Clerk’s office at 812-883-5748 or stop by with any questions.