The deadline is approaching to file to run for school board at three Washington County Schools.
Ty R. Sweeney has filed and is certified to run on the ballot for Salem Community School Board on Monday afternoon.
He was the first to file for a school board position in the county.
Carri Jo Cambron filed Monday and is certified to be on the ballot for West Washington School Board- Madison Twp.
Allison Jean Ezzell filed and is certified to be on the ballot for Salem Community School Board, At-Large.
Troy (Ozzy) Spears, Jr. filed and is certified to be on the ballot for Salem Community School Board, At-Large
The open positions are:
Salem: 4 At-Large seats
East Washington: Polk Twp. and Town of Pekin seats
West Washington: Madison Twp., Posey Twp., and Vernon Twp. seats.
Candidates must reside in the district seat that they are seeking and are to petition to be on the ballot by acquiring 10 registered voters signatures in that school district. We recommend completing two petition forms (CAN-34) capturing 20 “good” signatures to have enough at the time of filing.
The deadline to file is Thursday, June 20th at Noon.