Wednesday, JULY 3, 2024
7:00 a.m. til 10:00 a.m. …………. Breakfast at the Pekin Park Shelter House by Main Street Meats
8:00 a.m – 10:00 am………….. Registration for 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament at the Basketball Court
10:00 a.m…………………………….. 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament Starts (until the last game finishes)
at the Basketball Court
8:00 a.m. til 12:00 p.m. …………. Set up for Craft Vendors/Flea Market, Food Vendors, and Rides
Homeland Security and Health Department Inspections
5:00 p.m. til Fireworks ………….. Food Court Open
5:00 p.m. til Fireworks ………….. Craft Vendors/Flea Market Open
5:00 p.m. til Fireworks ………….. Bluegrass Rides Open , DJ Eric by the Stage
5:00 p.m. til 8:00 p.m. …………… Sign-ups for the Watermelon and Corn on the Cob Eating Contest at the Pekin Community Betterment Organization Booth
5:30 p.m. ………………………………. Dessert Auction Begins
Immediately after the Dessert Auction Recognition of the reigning Firecracker and Dynamite Winners
7:00 p.m. til 10:00 p.m. …………. Juice Box Heroes perform on the Pekin Park Stage
8:30 p.m. til 9:00 p.m. …………… Intermission for the Juice Box Heroes and Dessert Auction with Sam Hurst
10:00 p.m. …………………………….. Fireworks by Straight Shooters
Thursday, JULY 4, 2024
7:00 a.m. til 10:00 a.m. ………………… Breakfast at the Pekin Park Shelter House by Main Street Meats
8:00 a.m. …………………………………….. Parade line-up at Eastern High School
10:00 a.m. …………………………………… Parade-Tisha Coles, Coordinator with Family and Friends
Theme- 2024 – “Celebrate Days Gone By”
Grand Marshals – Steve Burnett and Gary Nale
12:30 pm. ……………………………………. Invocation by Dr. Jeremy Goen-Pekin Church of Christ Minister
Presentation of “Colors” and Pledge of Allegiance led by Dr. Jeremy Goen
Star Spangled Banner- Allison Hein
Reading of the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence – 2024 Eastern High School Valedictorian- Glenn Gosnell
Back Home Again in Indiana – Allison Hein
Welcome Patrons – Taylor Humphrey-Arnold, Pekin Community Betterment Organization President
Grand Marshals Induction
11:00 a.m. til 5:30 p.m. ………………… Food Court Open
11:00 a.m. til 5:30 p.m. ………………… Craft Vendors/Flea Market Open
11:00 a.m. til 5:30 p.m. ………………… Bluegrass Rides Open, DJ Eric by the Stage
1:30 p.m. …………………………………….. Dollars for Scholars of Eastern High School on the Pekin Park Stage
2:30 p.m. …………………………………….. Prince and Princess Contest on the Pekin Park Stage
– Darlene Hall, Coordinator
Immediately following the Prince and Princess Contest- 2nd Annual Watermelon Eating Contest and
2nd Annual Corn on the Cob Eating Contest
4:00 p.m. …………………………………….. Queen Contest on the Pekin Park Stage -Darlene Hall, Coordinator
5:00 p.m. …………………………………….. 2024 Queen Crowning Announcement
Immediately following – Gun Raffle drawing
Immediately following – Special Thanks and Closing by Taylor Humphrey-Arnold, President PCBO 2024