A Cyber tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) led to the arrest of a Floyd County man for possession of child pornography.
The investigation began in July 2024 by the Indianapolis Metro Police Department Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) cybercrimes unit when they received a cyber-tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children indicating that images possibly depicting child pornography had been uploaded to a social media account.
During their initial investigation, they became aware that the suspect perhaps lived in Southern Indiana, so the case was transferred to the Indiana State Police ICAC Taskforce in August 2024.
Continuing the work initiated by the Indianapolis Metro Police Department, The ISP ICAC team identified 39-year-old Alfred De La Garza from Floyd County, Indiana as a possible suspect.
Acting on search warrants, Mr. De La Garza was located at his Elizabeth, Indiana (Floyd County) residence on January 23rd and interviewed.
Following the interview and investigation, De la Garza was arrested and booked into the Floyd County Jail without incident on 3 counts of Possession and/or Distribution of Child Pornography. Each of the three counts is a Level 5 Felony.
The Indiana Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force is a multiagency task force that investigates and prosecutes persons who use the internet to sexually exploit or entice children, and the Indiana State Police oversees the task force.
The Indiana ICAC Task Force encourages Hoosiers to report online exploitation, solicitation, and enticement-type crimes against children to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).
The NCMEC website can be accessed through the ICAC Task Force website. To report a crime with your child as a victim involving the Internet or other electronic means, please contact your local Indiana law enforcement agency.
ICAC Taskforce website: https://www.in.gov/