Home WSLM NEWS Local News City Council Approves Abatement for E&H Tubing Expansion

City Council Approves Abatement for E&H Tubing Expansion


E&H Tubing of Jackson County will be expanding their pipe fabricating business in Salem as soon as August with up to 40 employees and about a $4 million investment in the first year (including a $2.7 million with another $1.4 million worth of steel).

The company will be signing a five-year lease with an option to buy two buildings on the former Smith Cabinet property. 

“When we come to Salem, we’re going to stay in Salem. We want to be part of the community, increase the tax base with an estimated payroll of about $900,000 a year,” said a company representative who spoke to the council Monday afternoon. “If we’re successful, we could bring $20 million in business to Salem.” 

He said the company had been successful in Brownstown and had looked at several other locations before settling on Salem. 

A second expansion could add more fabrication in another building with more employees. 

The council approved the five-year abatement with a 6-0 vote. 

E&H Tubing creates steel tubing for the ag industry as well as for gates, satellite posts, carports, boat docks, gates, metal buildings and for lawn and garden applications.