According to details from an affidavit for probable cause, the investigating Indiana State Trooper states that Casey Crain’s live-in boyfriend admitted beating Leelan Crain to a friend.
Jamie Lykins, 24, who was arrested Monday afternoon for Battery resulting in death and neglect of a dependent, both Class A Felonies, told police the boy had fallen from a bed where he was sleeping and received the injuries that took his life.
Leelan was originally taken to St. Vincent Hospital and was transferred by air ambulance to Kosair Children’s Hospital Saturday evening, where he was pronounced dead at approximately 1:41 a.m. Sunday.
Events unfolded quickly on the afternoon of Saturday, Sept. 7 at Casey Crain’s house near Salem.
Leelan was taken into the bedroom for a nap and at some point, was found unresponsive and taken to the local hospital.
That’s where the stories differ.
After Salem Police Officer Tim Miller was called to St. Vincent Hospital to investigate possible abuse on Leelan, Miller questioned Lykins and was told the injuries came from a fall from the bed where the child was sleeping.
The affidavit also states Lykins also told police he had been living with Crain since Leelan was about a month old. He told police he thought of Leelan as his own son.
Leelan’s mother, Casey Crain then told Officer Miller that Leelan had been crying and that Lykins was angry and took the child into the bedroom to put him down for a nap.
Lykins told police Crain put the boy down to sleep and the couple began watching television and heard a thud that they assumed was the child falling out of bed.
Lykins told police that they entered the bedroom and found Leelan on the floor and that he had the injuries described.
Crain advised in the affidavit that she attempted to intervene, but Lykins told her that he would take care of the matter.
The affidavit states that Crain also told police when Lykins took Leelan into the bedroom, he turned a country music radio station on high volume and she could hear Leelan crying continuously for about 45 minutes, followed by silence.
Crain told police she assumed the boy had fallen asleep.
After checking on the baby later, she saw that the baby was severely bruised, not breathing properly and was semiconscious.
According to the affidavit, Lexi Livingston and Gregory Lee had went to Crain’s home because they were all planning to go fishing on Saturday evening, Sept. 7.
Livingston told police that when they arrived, they knew the child needed medical attention.
According to police, Livingston said that Lykins did not want to take Leelan to the hospital because he knew police and child services would be called.
Livingston and Lee convinced Crain and Lykins to take Leelan to the hospital. Livingston and Lee drove them to the hospital because neither Crain nor Lykins had driving privileges.
Police also interviewed Dawn L. Walker, who had been asked to babysit Leelan while the couples went fishing.
Walker advised police that she arrived late, about 7p, and Livinston and Lee were there.
Walker told police that when she entered the house, Lykins spoke to her and said, “We have a problem. I beat the fuck out of baby Lee Lee.”
Circuit Court Judge Larry Medlock was presented with the information contained in the probable cause affidavit, which result in an arrest warrant being issued for Lykins.
Indiana State Troopers located Lykins and arrested him at a convenience store on West State Road 56 at approximately 3:15 p.m. Monday afternoon.
Bail was set at $80,000 full cash with $7,000 cash plus $360,000 surety or $7,000 cash plus $720,000 property.
The Kentucky Medical Examiner performed an autopsy on Leelan indicated varying areas and stages of bruising on the child.
The cause of death was determined to be blunt force trauma on the head.
Assisting in the investigation was the Salem City Police Department.
The case is still under investigation.
Funeral services for Leelan, who was born Dec. 8, 2012, will be held Wednesday at 1 p.m. at Weathers Funeral Home. Burial will follow in Crown Hill Cemetery.
Visitation will be Wednesday from 11 a.m. to the time of service.