More than 100 exhibitors will be set up at the event to showcase the latest in health and fitness products, athletic apparel, shoes and accessories and the Derby Festival’s official ASICS Race Gear will be available for purchase. Visitors can get a FREE massage or heat therapy treatment. PLUS, guests can have their photo taken at the race finish line, before they even run the race at the HumanaVitality photo booth.

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The Expo features packet pick-up for the Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon/miniMarathon® presented by Walmart and HumanaVitality, as well as the miniFun Run presented by HumanaVitality and Subway® Restaurants; and the PNC Tour de Lou cycling event.  Runners can also attend a special Speaker’s Series featuring topics such as:  best race tips, pre-race stretching and nutritional recovery tips, Q&A with KDF Race Ambassadors and Pace Team tips on how to effectively pace during the Marathon.  (The complete Speaker’s Series is listed below.)

Runners and their families can also carbo-load on Friday, April 24, at the Running Wild Pasta Dinner from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Entertainment includes music, a bar and a selfie station. All guests also receive a Louisville Slugger mini bat muddler to take home! Tickets for the dinner are $20 and can be purchased at the door while they last.

There will be NO LATE ENTRIES for runners who want to participate in the races but are not registered. However, race organizers will offer 250 “Charity Bibs” for runners who missed the registration deadline. The bibs – which allow entry into either the Marathon or miniMarathon – cost $125, with proceeds going to the Kentucky Derby Festival Foundation, the Derby Festival’s charitable arm. The Charity Bibs will only be available at the Race Expo, first-come, first-served, beginning at 4 pm. on Thursday, April 23.  The Charity Bibs are tax-deductible.

The races will start simultaneously at 7:30 a.m. at Main and Brook streets and will finish at Preston and Witherspoon streets, just outside the entrance to Kroger’s Fest-a-Ville on the Waterfront. The course showcases the unique architecture on Main Street, including the Museum Row attractions. Runners in both races will still run a lap inside the infield at Churchill Downs racetrack and will pass by Central Park and the St. James Court neighborhood.  Marathon runners enter Iroquois Park through the Marathon Gatewway Presented by HumanaVitality.

BB&T is a Contributing Sponsor of the Race Expo, joining Media Sponsor 99.7 DJX.

2015 Race Expo Speaker’s Series Schedule & Topics

Thursday, April 23rd  5:30pm-7:00pm

Respect the Bike and Respect the Road: Tips to Keep You and Your Loved Ones Safe

Steve Luckett, Andy Murphy, Mike Sewell, Lt. Don George

Friday, April 24th 12pm-4pm

12:00pm-12:45pm- Pace Yourself! Anne Lewis & The Asics Pace Team

1:00pm-1:45pm- FAQ’s with the KDF Race Ambassadors

2:00- 2:45pm- Tips for your Best Run with the Michelob Ultra Running Team

3:00pm -3:45pm – Stretching & Nutrition Recovery with Dr. Robin Curry and Anna Grout

Since 1956, the Derby Festival has worked to bring the community together in celebration. The Festival is an independent community organization supported by 4,000 volunteers, 400 businesses and civic groups, Pegasus Pin sponsorships and event participation. This involvement has made the Festival the largest single attended event in Kentucky and one of the leading community celebrations in the world.