On September 19th & 20th, of this year, the Old Settlers Committee will proudly host the 140th consecutive celebration of the Old Settlers’ Days Festival at the John Hay Center in Salem. Please plan to come join us for another weekend of fun, as we continue the tradition, originally started in 1875, of honoring our forefathers and the county’s pioneer heritage.
Again this year, the festivities will appropriately be centered around the Pioneer Village, as it returns to functioning form and fills with reenactments and demonstrators. Here spectators can catch a glimpse into the daily life of a typical settlement in the Northwest Territory from the War of 1812 up to the Civil War. Much as many of our ancestors chose to do in their pursuit of happiness when they migrated to the wilderness and carved out the communities of Washington County.
We will pay tribute to the anniversary of Old Settlers’ Days, with reenactments and remembrances of the 140 year old tradition. Some of this year’s special guests will include; President Abraham Lincoln, honoring the 150th anniversary of his death, along with Salem’s native son and private secretary for President Lincoln, John Hay. Also, appearing for the first time at The Old Settlers’ festival is pioneer era American Icon, Johnny Appleseed and a few Washington County pioneer legends will be represented as well. All guests and any late additions will be walking the grounds for guests to interact with and they will give scheduled presentations on their characters throughout the weekend.
Several musical guests will be featured during the festival including; The Corydon Dulcimer Society, the Bradie Shrum Singers, local rising talent, Sabrina Bays and local duo Hoot Von Woot, along with the premiere of The Old Settlers’ Jamboree. The Stevens Museum and the Monon Train Depot will be open to the public and we will again offer a large variety of pioneer games for the children, artisans and vendor booths around the John Hay Center property and food vendors in the parking lot of the Depot.
Saturday, September 19th
Tyasia Gant.
Old Settlers Days Governor Alan Bishop’s 140th Anniversary Welcome
Introduction of special guests; President Abraham Lincoln, Secretary of State and Salem native, John
Hay, American Pioneer Icon and Indiana resident, Johnny Appleseed, County Pioneer and murder victim,
John Williams, Salem native and 1st Female Graduate of Indiana University, Sarah Parke Morrison,
County Pioneer and Miller, George Beck, and American Lawyer, Author, Poet and Lyricist of the National
Anthem, Francis Scott Key.
11:00 APPLE PIE CONTEST at the Museum Platform with JOHNNY APPLESEED,
Flag Raising Ceremony by the Washington County Boy Scouts and National Anthem by
President Lincoln and John Hay as Judges
John Williams at Depot Stage
11:30 Sarah P. Morrison at Schoolhouse
Rooster and Hog Calling Competition at Village Courtyard
12:00 Johnny Appleseed at Museum Platform
Francis S. Key at Depot Stage
Lincoln at Depot Stage
John Hay at Schoolhouse
12:30 Distillery Demo at Depot (Live Gunfire)
Francis S. Key at Museum Platform
1:00 President Lincoln and John Hay at Museum Platform
Old Settlers’ Jamboree at Depot
Johnny Appleseed at Schoolhouse
1:30 Sarah P. Morrison at Museum Platform
Civil War Soldiers at Village Meadow (Live Gunfire)
2:00 Hoot Von Woot at Depot Stage
John Williams at Schoolhouse
Francis S. Key at Schoolhouse
140th Anniversary Special at Museum Platform
2:30 President Lincoln at Schoolhouse
John Williams at Museum Platform
3:00 Miami Indian Drum Corp and Dancers at Village Courtyard
Johnny Appleseed at Depot Stage
3:30 John Hay at Depot Stage
4:00 Distillery Demo at Depot (Live Gunfire)
5:00 Barrel race on the Bricks
Sunday September 20th
11:00 President Lincoln at Museum Platform
John Hay at Depot Stage
11:30 Sarah P. Morrison at Schoolhouse
Gospel Singer Bill Cheatam at Depot Stage
12:00 President Lincoln at Schoolhouse
Johnny Appleseed at Museum Platform
Abby and Late Night Madness at Depot Stage
John Hay at Museum Platform
12:30 Sarah P. Morrison at Museum Platform
Johnny Appleseed at Schoolhouse
1:00 Old Settlers’ Jamboree at Depot Stage
Francis S. Key at Museum Platform
1:30 John Hay at Schoolhouse
Civil War Soldiers at Village Meadow (Live Gunfire)
2:00 140th Anniversary Special at Museum Platform
Sarah P. Morrison at Depot Auditorium
Sabrina Bays at Depot Stage
2:30 Francis S. Key at Schoolhouse
President Lincoln at Depot Auditorium
3:00 Bradie Shrum Chime Choir at Depot Stage
Johnny Appleseed at Museum Platform
Sarah P. Morison at Schoolhouse
3:30 John Hay at Museum Platform
Distillery Demo at The Depot (Live Gunfire)
4:00 Lincoln’s Assassination at Depot Stage
4:30 Barrel Race on the Bricks