With heavy rain comes high water, which has lead to the closure of many roads across the Hoosier State due to flooding during the New Year’s Holiday. The Indiana Department of Transportation strongly urges the motoring public to use caution over the holiday and turn around upon encountering a flooded roadway.
Floodwaters have the capability of damaging and destroying roadways. Those potential hazards may not be visible during times of high water. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration it only takes about six inches of water to make a vehicle begin to float and stall out. When all of those factors combine, it could lead to vehicles being swept away.
INDOT urges the motoring public to be aware of roads that are prone to flooding during and after heavy rains. Information about road closures can be found on Facebook at www.facebook.com/
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Drive sober
Drivers attending holiday gathering should avoid substances that impair reaction times. When on the roads, drive defensively and be aware for other inattentive or impaired drivers.
If too impaired to drive, make plans to designate a sober driver, stay overnight or take a cab home. Remember that driving while drowsy or distracted is similar to “buzzed” driving.